Temporary Leave & Permanently Leave

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See! If you want to take some leaves due to your exams, extra work or due to any important reason, then you can take temporary leaves surely.

Also, if you want to permanently leave the club then also you can fill the form below.


RULES (Mandatory to read):-

1. Max. 2 leaves in a month (For eg; if you've taken 1 leave that means you'll not be a part of one week's assignment and will be added in next week's assignment. Similarly with 2 leaves, means skipping from 2 weeks )

2. For the welfare of club, we suggest you not to take much leaves because more leaves results to less consistency.

3. If you want to takr temporary leave then fill first FORM and if you want to permanently leave then fill second form.


1. TEMPORARY LEAVE FORM (Mandatory to fill) :-

⏺Name :-
⏺Days(For how many days you want to leave) :-
⏺Position(Member/Judge) :-
⏺Reason for leave(optional) :-


2. PERMANENT LEAVE FORM (Mandatory to fill) :- 😂

⏺ Name :-
⏺Reason for leaving :-
⏺ Any suggestion for improvement of club :-

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