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Percy groaned.

The last thing he remembered was he's walking to a forest, not too far nor near to his girlfriend's -- Annabeth, daughter of Athena -- place. He was too happy to spend time with her to let his guard down and not sense a guy following him.

Before he even got to the place where Blackjack, his pegasus, hide, he felt a blow in his head and he blacks out.

That's why when he woke up, he was chained to a wall, unable to move. His wrists were cuffed and the chains were connected to the wall.

He doesn't even know how long he had passed out, but he knows that if his mother and girlfriend found out he's missing, they'll go ballistic, especially Annabeth, after the first 'missing' incident.

That's when a man came in. He has a roguish look, having a mustache and beard like he just trims it at the length he wants. And he has a scar on his face.

"Son of Poseidon." He growled. "King Lycaon will be glad to hear that we had successfully captured you."

Lycans, Percy thought. He remembered Jason mentioned them in his quest to save Hera. He was expecting a quiet life with his girlfriend and family, but fates have their own plans for him.

And for his stupidity, he's abducted.

"Well, mister whatever-your-name-is, where are we?" He asked.

He only saw walls and lights, so his assumption is he's underground. But he doesn't know where.

"You're still in California, demigod." He answered.

"Wow." He said. "So you're in the territory of Romans? Do you know what will happen to you if they got wind of this?"

"You can not fool me with words, sea god scum. Those pesky Romans won't know this place, no matter how hard they try to search." The lycan said confidently.

"Really? As far as my memory lane goes, Lady Lupa is a good tracker. If they found out you here, well good luck on that." He said.

The man grunted. He didn't utter any words and left Percy alone, chained while standing.

And being chained while standing for a long time isn't fun at all especially when you're having ADHD.

It has been three days (according to his calculations) since he was kept down there. They give him food, enough to quench the thirst and hunger but not enough to regain strength. And it annoys him as he looked so helpless.

Before he thought of a way to escape, he saw two guys entered the place, one was holding a chair and a rope and the other one an unconscious guy.

They tied him around the chair and left him there, facing him. It looked awkward to him, having a cellmate.

Then the guy groaned, indicating he's awake. When he lifted his head, he was shocked to see Percy chained directly to the wall, without any allowances to move.

Percy grinned at the guy.

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