Chapter 16| Dakota Anderson [REWRITTEN]

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"one night a few moons ago, i saw flecks of what could've been lights, but it might have just been you, passing by unbeknownst to me"

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"one night a few moons ago, i saw flecks of what could've been lights, but it might have just been you, passing by unbeknownst to me"

snow on the beach • taylor swift (ft. lana del rey)

    Friday came and went with another victory for Ridgemount to move into the season finals. Dylan, one of our goalies, had roped everyone in to a mandatory dinner celebration at one of the restaurants close to the heart of town.

    The night had been fun. Ridgemount's girls football team had been there celebrating their own win, and I'd spent a good half hour flirting with Anara, their team's dark-haired ruck woman who I'd crushed on for all of eighth grade.

    Anara was beautiful; heart-shaped face with bright hazel eyes. She'd congratulated me on our team's win and even initiated conversation about our season. But between our mutual interest, it felt like I'd lost the heartbeat of desire pulsing beneath my skin that made me attracted to her in the first place.

    I'd wanted to kiss her, maybe even more, and the opportunity had presented itself, but it was as though any desire I'd held for her had just dissolved into thin air. I couldn't find it in me to lead her on so I'd ended up walking away at the end of the night and driving home alone.

    The house was dark when I got in. Dumping my keys in the bowl by the door, I began to climb the stairs quietly. I'd made it to the second landing and already turned down the hall when a lamp clicking on froze me in my tracks.

    "Dakota?" Mum asked from behind me.

    I turned slowly. "Yeah, it's me."

    Mum was sat in a cream armchair in the corner of the second-floor living room. She wore only a white robe, her hair down and face makeup-free. "You're out late. Where have you been?"

    "Dinner with the guys. Our team won tonight."

    She nodded. "Congratulations, love. Does that put you in the finals?"

    I fiddled with my keychain. "Yeah."

    Mum was quiet for a moment. She was normally in bed by the time I got home given how early she worked, so her current state of wake was perplexing.

    "Mum," I said. "Is everything okay?"

    She took a minute before answering. "Esme Mortenson called for you today."

    I blinked. "Esme?"

    "Your father answered the phone. He wants to know why you haven't been taking her calls."

    I stepped further into the room. "She's not my girlfriend."

    "I know that, love, but we raised you better than that. It's impolite not to call her back."

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