A Real Angel (Pt. 1/3)

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This took place in the No More Dreams Era so they'll act like their old selves while questioning why they like Jin.

I won't be using their old nicknames (pink princess, 4d alien, god of destruction, etc) and I tried my best to write them with their old personalities.


Jin is so hardworking, thats a fact.

He would get up early and cook them food with his own money. And after that he would go to his classes since he's still in college.

They were thankful that their hyung was a living, breathing angel.

Around the time they were practicing their choreography. Jin would alway be far behind them. In fear he would ruin the dance.

"Hyung like this" Hoseok showed him the step that he was having trouble with.

"Like this?" Jin copied, not precisely on point. But he's getting it. It's not his fault that he joined the group without any experience with dancing nor singing.

Jungkook saw that Hoseok was getting drowsy, maybe it's because he learn the new dance earlier and taught the other members how to dance it, which is pretty difficult to handle.

"I'll help you, you can take a break Hoseok hyung" Hoseok smiled and nodded at the maknae and left to get some water.

Jungkook started to teach the moves to him, Jin picked it up greatly and started to make his moves on point with the beat of the song.

Now even if Jin didn't have experience with dancing, he was a good dancer. He can pick up dance moves fast.

Jungkook stare at him fondly, he idolize all his hyungs very much. But with Jin, he's an inspiration for his hardwork and kindness.

He joined him and they both danced in front of the mirror. The maknae and the eldest joked around while dancing the steps, but haven't made a mistake in his steps which Jungkook is so proud of.

"Jungkook-ah thank you so much for teaching me!" he hugged the 15 year old tightly. He found it warm and nice whenever he gives him hugs. They all feel so nice, he wants to stay in it forever. He wants to be with him always.

Is this bad? Oh god, don't tell him. It is bad. Jungkook started to panic a bit.

Jin notice it and made circular motions on his back. Calming him down, which succeed.

"Don't worry Jungkook, hyung will be here for you" the maknae felt like tearing up a bit. He can't have feelings for his hyung! Both of them are guys!

"HYUNG HELP ME WITH ACTING!" and thats how the hug ended with the eldest leaving the Jungkook for Taehyung request to learn a bit of acting.

He felt a bit empty without him. Does that sound normal? He never miss someone's warmth, especially a guy.


"Act as if you are the person, feel their emotions, experiences, and thoughts!" Taehyung loves it whenever he gets some bro-time with Jimin and his hyung.

He wanted to make his hyung happy by enhancing his skills. And whose a more perfect teacher then his hyung?

"WOO YOU GO TAETAE!" he laughs at his best friend's cheer, even Jin laughs a bit.

"Now act as if I, your 'best friend' caught me cheating with your girlfriend" Tae nodded, and thats when the transformation began with Jin.

"Holy fuck hyung looks so cool",

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