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- if you read the introduction you might know already, but I still want to make sure you guys understand everything so please read this short note :

- I made up a lot of things myself so if you don't know about something or someone, big chance it does not exist in real life.

- Melody doesn't exist, the awards don't exist and the other models don't exist as well.

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- It was another early Monday morning, and despite bunches of people were still laying in their beds, I had a meeting to attend.
I sighed deeply before getting out of bed and I heard loud noises coming from the kitchen.

Rose was already making breakfast. I slowly entered the living room and saw my best friend baking pancakes. ''Good morning, Rose." I groaned, then dragging myself to the couch.

"Morning Mel!" She yelled full of enthusiasm.
I reached the couch and sighed again.
"I see, you're bad tempered." Rose giggled before she continued, "and that's totally fine, as long as you behave at work." a slight grin was plastered on her face.

"Oh I think I stay at home today." I groaned while realizing I had this stupid interview to give today. Rose handed me a self-baked pancake. "You're not staying home, Mel."

I smirked, already knowing I absolutely couldn't stay. Whether I liked it or not, I had to go to work today. "Of course I won't, and by the way thanks for the pancakes, they are delicious," I mumbled while letting go of a breathy chuckle.

I was living in an apartment together with my best friend named Rose. Despite I had enough money for a bigger house, I loved living with my best friend. In the past I could only dream of an option like buying a huge house, however it became actually a possibility after I got known because of a movie I played in.

I still remembered doing my first audition for this well-known movie, how I went through a rollercoaster in the last few years.

"I'm here Melody." Rose said, waving briefly at me. "Oh erm, yeah sorry, I was kind of distracted." I grinned and took another bite of the pancake.

Some minutes later Rose took a look at the clock, "I'm sorry but how late are you supposed to be at your meeting?" she curiously asked. "At 8." I answered and my best friend pointed out the clock, "Then I guess you're pretty late."


In a hurry I entered the building where my meeting would be. Today I had an interview with a journalist who wanted me to answer their questions for some magazine I had never heard about before and I was quite late.

"Good morning, Melody." my manager, named Julian, said as soon as I walked in. He stood in the corridor already waiting for me. I glared at him and a small smile left my lips as apology for being too late.

"Good morning, is the journalist already here?" I asked politely. "He is, already waiting for you to show up." Julian said and he sounded a bit angry.

"Oh erm- yeah I'll hurry." I said, making my manager nod in agreement. "Listen Melody, I know you're always late and you say you can't help it, but I still want you to try to be earlier next time.. or you will get a bad reputation." Julian smirked softly while talking, but disappointment was obviously readable in his eyes.

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