Chapter 8 - Home

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Chapter Eight - Home

{1 month later}

Skylar POV

It has been a month since my first shift. I am more confident with myself and I have found a place where I belong, where I have friends and family. I have found my home.

I haven't heard anything from my last pack apart from the phone call to Damien.

{Flash back to phone call}

I was sitting with Damien and Josh in Damien's office telling them that I would like to stay and join their pack when the pack phone started ringing.

"Hello, Alpha Damien speaking" Damien stated into the phone as he put it on speaker so Josh could hear, not caring if I hear it.

"Hello, thing is Alpha Xavier from the Moon Beam pack" I froze as I heard his voice erupt from the speaker, my heart broke as I heard his sad, empty voice.

I saw Damien and Josh tense as well when they heard his name but Damien tried to play it off.

"Hello Alpha Xavier, what is the problem?"

"One of my pack members, Skylar Mark, ran away around a week ago and no one has seen or heard from her since, I was wondering if you have seen her" Xavier's voice turned from his normal business tone to a plea by the end making my bury my face into Josh's chest as some betraying tears fell from my eyes

"No, I'm sorry I haven't, but may I ask why she ran away from your pack" Damien asked wanting to know his reason

"Because I rejected her as my mate and my pack and my self abused her and took her for granted" he sobbed down the phone line making me cry more.

"Well it sounds like she had a right to run away, so why do you now want her back?" Damien asked angrily

"Because...." He paused and took a deep breath "Because...I love her and the pack is falling apart without her, and her brother" he paused making me tense and sit up straight to hear what he was about to say "I'm scared he will do something if her doesn't find her soon, he is starving himself, and going to every place he knows she has been or liked to go to or where he thinks she will go, he is driving himself crazy. I had to Alpha command him to eat" he broke down sobbing making my heart break for both him and my brother.

"Tell him to trust her then." Damien said calming down "If he trusts her he should know she is safe and is strong enough to take care of herself"

"Okay" Xavier whispered "And sorry about that, you didn't need that"

"Don't worry about it, but don't worry all that much, if she can look after herself with your pack doing whatever to her then she will survive the world" Damien said calmly and then hung up and ran his hands over his face sighing "Oh Sky".

I ran over to Damien and hugged him close, since I came here me and Damien have become like brother and sister, we had each other's backs, no matter what.

I cried into his chest as he cooed in my ear, trying to calm me down.

{Flash back over}

That day is repeated in my head most nights, hearing his pleading voice, it broke my heart. I have become a member of this pack and I'm glad I stayed. I have become a big sister to Timmy, and his mum has become one of my very close friends. We have dinner together almost all the time as I have no one to eat with. Otherwise it is pack dinner days so everyone eats together.

Right now me and Timmy are going for a walk around the woods like every Sunday. We went to the stream and paddled our feet for a while when we heard a cry come from in the bush to the right of us. On instinct I grab Timmy and pull him close

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