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~ in present paper ~


People might forget
what you said to them...

But they won't forget
how you made them feel.

- inspired by -
- Maya Angelou -


It was the best timing to boost Louise's mood in seconds and drag her out of a depressive mood.

"AYYY where's ma favorite girl at?"

It was Rachel on the phone!

A wide smile formed over her lips hearing the beautiful voice of her best friend.
"Holy girl, I missed you so much!!!! Where are you right now?"

"I came back from the Dior fashion show, so I'm back in town... Do you have some time, I gotta decorate the hours with your presence" Rachel suggested.

"Is that even a question? I always got time for you! Always!" She cried happily while jumping into the car.

"Ok, ok, I see, you missed me pretty much... Umm how about we meet up in that one new German bakery! I'm super hungry and want to stuff my mouth full of new, sweet, delicious dough creations~! You just can't imagine how much I've been starving!"

"Sure, just wait for me" Louise replied and the driver started the engine.

"Yeah let's meet up in two hours or something..."

"Ya make sure that I won't need to wait for ya!" Louise pointed out

Rachel laughed heartedly
"Pff... Not when I'm hungry!"


As the main character opened the front door of her house she was attacked with a bright warm hug and kisses.

Louise was overwhelmed with feelings "I couldn't get a better surprise, honestly!" She smiled and chuckled while her eyes were filling up with small tears.

Rachel made some space between them "Hey, that's what best friends are there for!"

"You're honestly the best medicine for me at the moment..."

Rachel wiped the tears out of her dearest friends face with both of her hands carefully.
She looked at her now more seriously and was confused by Louise's sudden flow of tears.

"Did something happen?" She cupped the face of the sulking girl and even more tears started to gush out of that small face.

Rachel once more hugged her and patted her back, giving the girl a warm feeling of understanding.
"Oh, baby, it's ok... Just let it out" A soft comforting voice left Rachel's mouth.

Louise slowly broke the hug and made some space between them. She invited Rachel into the living room.

"What would you like to drink? We have some lemonade and other soft drinks..." The host looked back from her shoulder suggesting the variety of  beverage.

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