Chapter 9- Magical

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As the days passed, Mara barely noticed. She was fully consumed by learning her craft, working with Zander to expand her abilities. Studying potions, spells, and especially history in preparation for her exams, her current ones as well as the cumulative exam at the end of the semester. A new friendship started to form with Zeldra as even she helped Mara study for her exams.

Zander had kept true to his word, keeping out of Mara’s dreams. Although Mara was relieved, she was also slightly disappointed; even she had a hard time understanding the conflicting feeling. And as the two spent more time together, their friendship grew.

Mara’s weekends had also been monopolized by her determination to learn. Marx and Trixle had barely seen their friend aside from breakfast, and even that was a rare occurrence. She had either been in class or with Zander. They both knew how important it was to Mara to advance in her classes, but they desperately wanted her back, and they had finally decided they would see her whether she wanted to or not.

Mara gathered her notes and book, shoving them into her bag as she got up to leave her potions class. She shrugged the bag onto her shoulder before walking right into a hard, solid object. Mara looked up into Marx’s dark brown eyes.

“You’re coming with me,” he said, dragging her along behind him.

“But I have to go study an-“

“Nope,” he cut her off without looking back. “You’re coming with me, and you’re eating lunch with your friends who haven’t seen you in almost a week.” Mara kept her mouth shut, afraid to argue with him.

“I’ve missed you too Marx,” Mara said with a smile.

He glanced back, scoffing. “I don’t miss anybody. They miss me,” he mumbled under his breath.

Mara’s smile widened and she let Marx drag her along to the table where a tray was already waiting for her. Mara took her seat with Marx sitting next to her, across from Trixle. She looked around at two new faces that had joined them; one she could tell was fae by his blue skin, his eyes just as striking at Headmistress Varkov’s.

"Oh, you do still go here,” Trixle said with mock surprise. Mara just rolled her eyes at her roommate. “I’d like you to meet Raysol, my cousin.” Trixle gestured towards the blue fae sitting next to her.

“And this is Emmett,” Marx said pointing at the blond stranger sitting at the table.

“Nice to meet you,” Mara nodded.

Emmett smiled; Raysol stared at her intently as if trying to decide something. Mara was trying to figure out what he was looking for when Trixle and Emmett’s conversation brought her back.

“How did you get her to come with you anyway, Marx?” Trixle asked.

“Well, she was just walking out of her class when she bumped right into my perfectly toned body,” he replied with a cocky smile. “After that, how could any woman refuse to follow me anywhere?”

Mara’s jaw dropped to the table. She couldn’t believe what she had just heard. Looking down at her tray, her cheeks flaming Mara picked up a spoonful of mashed potatoes and smeared them on Marx’s face. “Let’s see who follows you now, your highness,” Mara grumbled.

The three others sitting at the table erupted in laughter as Marx stared at Mara in disbelief. No one had every done anything like that. “Oh thank you. Just what I wanted, a nice side dish,” he said shrugging it off as he wiped the potatoes with his fingers and licked them.

Mara rolled her eyes as a girl walked up to the table. “Marx, can I talk to you?”

“Tracey,” Marx said with surprise. “What is it?”

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