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~Liam POV~

I looked up at my building. I had a lot of things to do today... I just felt like turning on my heel, walking back to my car and driving. Where? I had no clue. But I wasn't up for today. I took a deep breath as I was taught when stressed and walked into the building. I sent a smile to Suzy, she's the woman who sits at the front desk. She's pretty nice. I know this is cliche, but I'm not the playboy everyone thinks I am. I just get dumped a lot, and yeah, I dump a lot too. That doesn't make me a playboy okay!

Suzy smiled back at me. "Good morning, Liam." Yes, I'm on a first-name basis with most of my employees. Suzy is one of the closest employees, she even attended my little sisters' birthday party last year. I smiled brightly at her, "Mornin' to you too Suzy!" "My your perky today aren't you Liam?" I laughed internally if only she knew the half of it.

I walked towards the elevator and was about to hit the button for the top floor, where my office was before I remembered and hit floor 8. As I rode the elevator up, I thought about exactly what I was going to say. I wasn't very good at improvising. Finally, it reached my destination. I walked out and glanced around the room. I immediately saw my target and started walking in the direction of their cuticle.

"Good morning Mesha." the kind Mexican woman jerked her head up from her computer, I could see the fear in her eyes. I had people in my building freely spread rumors about me being a terror so that when someone meets me they have a pleasant surprise, they are not allowed to speak ill of me outside of the building. "G-good morning, Mr. Linard." everyone in the area was looking at me with fake fear in their eyes.

I couldn't keep a straight face any more than the rest of them could. I broke into laughter just as the rest of the room couldn't hold back anymore. Mesha looked even more afraid. I stopped chuckling as quickly as I could to explain. "Don't worry Mesha, the rumors of me being a terror are just for newbies to be relieved when they actually meet me! Now hows your new baby girl going? She keepin' you up all night?"

Mesha looked suspicious until I asked about her newborn daughter. She immediately smiled at me, "She's an angel Mr. Linard, I'm surprised you even knew I had a daughter." "Of course, you may work faster stressed, but there's usually more mistakes, and please, call me Liam." She smiled a wonderfully pearly smile. "Okay, Liam." I waved back to her, and everyone else on the floor, as I made my way to the elevators. In turn, everyone waved back.

I finally made it to my office floor. Jasmine, the building secretary, ran over to me. "Sir! You have a meeting in the boardroom in two minutes, why do you always stop on lower floors when you have meetings and such to attend to?" Now, most bosses would probably yell at Jasmine for being nosy, but honestly, I don't mind her curiosity. Although, she asks this almost every week and it's getting a bit old. "Because Ms. Jacobson, I think that it makes my employees happier, and again, please call me Liam, not Sir, not Mr. Linard, just Liam. Now I have to get to that meeting, my personal assistant interviews are right after that, correct?" I call her Ms. Jacobson per her request, I would call her Jasmine, but she says it doesn't feel right so I follow her wishes. "First off sir, I'm sorry but I don't feel comfortable calling you Liam, and second, yes the interviewees will be here after your meeting, and if they are good, a bit before it ends. I'll send them in per who gets here first." I noded before gathering the folders I needed and walking into the boardroom.

~~~~~~After the meeting~~~~~~

I sighed, that was a lot of yelling... I even had to do some just to calm them down. They wanted me to invest in some new kinds of shoes, that was completely metal and made for women, but I didn't think that they'd be stylish enough or fit correctly. Everyone has a different foot size, even a small difference, is a difference. They wanted the shoe to be tight-fitting. Which I almost guaranty WOULDN'T work.

I walked towards my office, right past Jasmines' desk. She sprang up from her seat. "Sir, all three applicants are here, and they already are slightly frightened by you due to all of the yelling in the boardroom when they arrived." I nodded. "Send them in as planned please." She nodded and went to the waiting room across from her desk. I went into my office and got seated, then waited for the first applicant to walk in.

I sighed, I had just gone through the third applicant and there was something off about her I didn't like, the other two had the same vibe. Finally, the last applicant walked in. I tried to keep my mouth from opening. I conducted the same interview for her as I did the others, and let me tell you! She was the exact same. She didn't have an off aura though, she just bored me. Too proper, Jasmine was about as proper as I would tolerate. People who are proper-no offense-aren't usually any fun.

So, today was a bust as far as finding a new personal assistant went. I needed to find one quickly, I couldn't keep pinning all of the personal assistant work on Jasmine. I had offered her the position but she declined, she was probably a bit under qualified anyhow. But I needed to find someone before Jasmine had enough and quit her position in my company altogether.

I sighed and started hitting my forehead onto my desk. I put a stop to that quickly, it didn't make my headache any better. How was I going to find a personal assistant before Jasmine decided I needed a new secretary too?

Okay, so that's all for this chapter!
Don't forget to comment and vote for this story! It's my first +18 sooo... no promises it will be good... because I'm not around that kinda stuff much.

(LOL That is now a lie, because Dependence, Trust and Support is technically my first 18+ story!)

Love Or CompanyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang