Chapter 1: Doctor & Patient

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This is a play on my previous book Crimson Chivalry: Sanji x Reader. However, you do not need to read Crimson Chivalry to enjoy this book. Since both of these are extremely different.

"Finished," Law groaned, shedding himself of the turquoise latex gloves that once hugged his inked hands into the small waste basket sitting beside the examination table. The man never heard the gloves land, his yellow orbs peered down to the waste basket, the gloves were indeed in the bin. The gloves sat atop a surface of... Syringes.

"These should be properly disposed of," Law rolled his eyes of yellow, kneeling down to pick out the used syringes from the waste bin, but once he removed the gloves, his entire body tensed up. Twenty two syringes piled up on one another, each used and contained this electric blue substance left over within the tube.

The Surgeon stood up slowly, his mind processed what exactly could be the mystery substance in each syringe, and looked over his patient with his eyes alone. His head didn't tilt, nor his body. Twenty two syringes for one frail girl? A girl whose skin was as pale as a ghost. Scratches and cuts that ran so deep in her skin that they needed stitches and were on the verge of infection. If not, the cuts were already infected with inflamed skin and dried blood. It hadn't really crossed Law's mind on what exactly happened to this young woman, or why she needed his care.

All he wants to know is-

"Was the surgery a success?" A Government official strode in all happy off his ass like he were drunk. Law didn't really think differently, the man more than likely was drunk. That's how much the man slurred in speech.

Law sighed, glaring at the Official with crossed arms. "I wish to speak with the higher ups," Law tuts.

"Not happening," the Official snickered. "Akainu and the others are assessing the damages at Marineford, what's your concerns?" The man asks all so very calmly. Law's stare intensified to the settle statement. "I can tell you have quite a few things to say Mr. Trafalgar."

"Tch... I'm near ready to kill you right here," Law blindly threatened the Official, most definitely getting his point across. "Who is this woman? Why was I given a Warlord title as long as I came through with my task of keeping her alive?" Law's anger was permeating the room, just changing the atmosphere into something heavy.

"So was her surgery a success?" The Official followed up, acting as if Law's words went in through one ear and out the other. "You won't get a word outta me unless I see progress."

Law's glare intensified even more, his eyes could kill. "Yes... Her heart transplant was a success," he spoke with teeth clenched.

"Good work," the Official smirked. "Now, this woman is 18 years of age. Her name is (Y/n) and she used to be a Cipher Pol Agent until she crossed us and began feeding information to the Revolutionary Army... Anything else you'd like to know?"

"Yes!" Law growled with clenched teeth. "What is her purpose!? Why am I here? I'll back out of my Warlord position and let her die if I don't get some real answers," this time, Law really got his point across. The Official stood, and gulped, wiping a sweat that had formed on his forehead.

"Human experimentation," the man sighed. "Clearly our secret division called CP9 fell through to the Straw Hats so the scientists here began increasing this frail woman's strength and senses. They've came through, but at a price," Law began having a real understanding of his position now, he's involved with a plan to end the Pirate Age. "To gain strength and speed far beyond those of an average human, the host's heart is worn down at such a drastic rate-"

"And I have to replace her heart every few weeks," the Surgeon growled some more. "I didn't sign up to be her babysitter-"

"Then expect me to imprison you right here right now," the official smirked again with this crazy chuckle. "At least stick around for your patient to wake up, that's the least you can do right? Or are you the heartless captain of the Heart Pirates?" Blackmail, one of the few things Law hates most in life besides Doflamingo: a fellow warlord of the sea. This time Law would be in the wrong to back out so suddenly, and thus, he caved.

"She'll wake up in 24 hours... I'll stay for 48."


The Surgeon of Death paced the laboratory, it's been well over a day since the heart transplant surgery. Your heart monitor were still beeping, and at a regular pace too. Your vitals were perfect, Law even addressed all your previous wounds. Stitching some and surgically removing any and all infections. His patience were running thin.

"I have better things to do, not babysitting this... This... Mess!" The Surgeon snapped running a hand through his messy head of raven hair. He lightly tugged on the ends of his hair until a stinging sensation burned his scalp. Just moments later, his pacing came to a stop, and he stroked the hairs on his chin. "Keep your eyes on the prize, this is only a minor obstacle..." He told himself and successfully became calm.

Hours later, you began to stir. Eyelids were practically glued shut, taking nearly all the strength you had just to open them since your wrists were bound to the table by leather straps. You felt both horrendous yet refreshed. What you felt was a burst of energy, and a feel-good pain of your body healing for a change. Anything was better than before.

You gazed around the lab, everything seemed to be the same. Except for the dark skinned male sat sleeping to your right in an armed chair. He had hair as dark as a raven, dark rings under his eyes, and wore a jacket with no shirt underneath that shown off a breathtakingly beautiful heart tattoo that grazed his chest. Who is he? You began to wonder.

"H-hello?" Your voice squeaked, cracky, underused and stained with pain. You whimpered and cleared your throat, just for more pain to pass your system. "Hey?" You spoke louder than before, and the man finally stirred from his own slumber. He greeted you with soulful moonlight yellow eyes.

"About time," he breathed deeply through his nose, and sat up within his chair. "You were supposed to wake nearly a day ago."

"What do you mean?" You asked quietly, fearing punishment to come with the question.

"I addressed your wounds and led your heart transplant surgery, I couldn't take my leave until you rised," Law stood up, gave his arms a stretch, there were a few pops and cracks to come from his actions. The sounds made your skin crawl.

"But... Who are you?" You piped up.

"The Surgeon of Death. You may call me Law," Law introduced himself. "This'll be the last time you see me... Goodbye."

"No!" You squeaked, and Law froze in place astonished by your needy call. "Get me outta here! I don't want to be here! They're torturing me!!!" You cried, fighting your restraints. Law was taken back by how desperate you fought with tears in your eyes. What were the government doing to you to create such a response?

"Sorry... Out of my hands," Law bowed his head, and put on his leopard print hat.

"Please~" you cried ever more desperate than before. "Please Law, you don't even have to save me, just stick around! You're the nicest person ive met since getting thrown in here."

"I'm not nice," Law smirked. "Far from it, I was indebted to save you... And now I'm even."

"Thank you for treating my wounds Law... I'm grateful for what I get," you made a sudden turn. To fight for something you want then suddenly give up all hope.

The door to the lab opened, bashing into the steel wall behind. A group of scientists strode on in and surrounded your table. You shivered with fear for what was to come, Law say such action, a weight was placed in his chest that made his stomach grow thin.

"Ah, you're still here," that Official from yesterday smiled at Law. "Your 48 hours are up, does this mean you're keeping your title as Warlord of the Sea Trafalgar Law? Or is this the last I'll see of you?" Law glanced at you one last time, then to his shoes.

"She's my patient... Right? Can't leave her for dead or else I'm not fitting of my Devil fruit."

A Heart for None: Law x ReaderDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora