~Magical Dream~

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(A/N) This is based on an idea I had ☺️ also please enjoy the references hehehehe comment if you spot any......or not.
"Stupid Aren", you angrily muttered as he tried calling you, so you pressed the ignore button.

You were still mad at him because he yet again threatened some random dude. It was just you and him, but when some guy accidentally bumped into him. You never minded his violence until now because this time he blamed you. He was already agitated from something he didn't want to say, but soon regretted it and tried apologizing.

When he screamed at you, it scared you because he had never done it before. Soon enough you were trying not to cry so you ran but soon blacked out when someone called out your name.


You were drifting into darkness from the sudden impact and soon enough woke up somewhere that was much more different than what you would call home.

Opening those beautiful (e/c) orbs, you were met with a beautiful dark blanket covered in twinkling lights. Turning your gaze, your eyes wandered around curious as to why you were seeing what you were seeing. It was a beautiful lake that was glistening as the full moon was appearing to it like a mirror, illuminating it to see its own reflection.

Dazed, you got up letting your bare feet feel the soft blazing grass that was softly flowing due to the wind. Twirling, you observed the beautiful scenery around you trying to taken it all in like a breath of fresh air. A white rabbit soon passed by making you follow it, but to your disappointment it jumped down a hole. "Welp I'm not going down there it's probably a wonderland"  You shrugged and saw a clownfish passing by along with a blue fish in the lake.

You definitely loved this scenery, even if it was a dream. Though not every dream can be as detailed. Dreams were like exploring the dimensions of your psyche. It was hard to piece them together because some were visions, while others were just a figment of our imagination. It was truly amazing what the human mind could do.

Leaves were flowing into the air following your movements as well as the light purple flowy dress you had on. Your hand reached up trying to catch the glowing blue light passing by you, though before you could catch it, the blue light disappeared with a small buzz.

A soft chuckle was heard behind you, "Beautiful isn't it"

You turned your head away from afar, to the woman who owned the angelic voice. She was definitely a dream with her appearance being both enchanting and creepy but in a majestic way.

Her light blue skin matched the scenery in the moonlight. Her black eyes showed peacefulness and her pink lips were curved into a soft smile. After chuckling, her dreamy gaze followed the moon was as she passed you giving you a view of her long strapless wedding dress that fit her hourglass she, it opened on the side showing her decaying leg. Her veil was flowing along with her long darker blue hair. The tail of the dress dragged behind her as she gracefully sat on a rock. "Hm, I've spent so much time in the dark, I'd almost forgotten how beautiful the moonlight was."

"Oh", was all you could say. Her words were of one who was a lost soul, literally. She hummed at your shirt reply while standing up and lifted a bony hand to your cheek. There was tear leaving her eye which made you gasp, "Tell me, my dear, can a heart still break once its stopped beating?"

You looked at her curiously, but then soon felt something drip from your eye, and you knew that it was a tear which she wiped away giving you an apologetic smile, "Oh my, I apologize. It wasn't my intention to ruin such a beautiful scene"

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