Chapter 14

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Eliza leans against a pillar catching her breath, the dance with Harrington had ended long ago however her heart rate is still spiking, her blood rushes through her veins like fire and a hot blush has risen into her cheeks. Having escaped from the company of her guests she allowed herself a glass or three of champagne and a little time to relax and enjoy the cold marble against her flushed skin. Eliza curses herself silently, she felt something when dancing, a warm tingling feeling that her entire body on fire, she can't shake the feeling on his hands on her waist. The promise of a platonic agreement is going to be harder than she thought if every time they are together her body reacts like that.

Eliza watches him from her hiding place, he is standing with her uncle, talking, to the casual observer he seems relaxed and is enjoying himself however to her he is on guard and wary of the situation.

"Sneaking off at your own engagement party are you?" Eliza jumps in shock as Charlotte appears behind her.

"Oh, Charlotte." Eliza's heart slows down. "Sorry, I am just taking a moment."

"Staring at your fiancé." Charlotte supplies smugly, both look at Harrington. "He's a lucky man."

Eliza winces slightly and turns away, her friend begins to ramble about wedding dress shopping, flower arrangements and centrepieces. A sick feeling of guilt creeps into Eliza's stomach, the past few days were hard enough pretending to Charlotte that there is something there. The only people who know the complete truth are her and Harrington. Charlotte and Thomas were of course around when the scandal took place however they both think there is a spark and hope for the couple when in truth there is only bitter tolerance.

"Charlotte, I need to tell you something," Eliza says, interrupting the wedding spew. The guilt manifests in her stomach and roots itself there.

"You are my best friend and I love you."

"What's wrong?" Charlotte's forehead creases in worry. Eliza looks around to check nobody could overhear, she takes a long breath.

"Harrington and I are faking the engagement," The words pour out. "We agreed to pretend to be in love and then divorce later." The confession doesn't help as Charlotte steps back, hurt written all over her face, "But all the things you said this week, that it was going well..."

"I had to lie to you, Harrington said it would be for the best but I couldn't." Eliza takes Charlotte's hands in hers silently begging her to understand, "I thought keeping the charade for everyone would be easier so I had to."

"No, you didn't." Charlotte rips her hands away, Eliza seizes her wrist to prevent her from walking away.

"I am sorry." She says pleadingly. Charlotte says nothing.

"We have to make people believe and they do thanks to this party, to you." Nothing.

"Charlotte?" Eliza searches her friends face for some sign of forgiveness or acceptance.

"Plan your own damn wedding,'' Charlotte says, pulls free and walks away. Eliza leans against the pillar for support, this marriage is causing too much hurt, it wasn't supposed to hurt Charlotte or anyone but it is. Her best friend turns her back on her and talks to Thomas as though nothing has just happened.

A loud commotion in the hallway halts the band in mid-tune and everyone turns his or her attention to the doorway. A man wearing a whisky stained suit staggers into the hall followed by apologetic servants who are trying to prevent him from crashing.

"Where is she then?" The man hollers and sways into the room. Harringtons face flashes with pain and recognition, he strides to his side and holds up the drunk man, he whispers angrily into his ear but the drunk pushes him away.

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