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The annoying repetitive sounds of your alarm clock woke you up from a heavy and well deserved sleep at 8 o'clock in the morning, the wild events from last night between you and your lover had taken a ton on your body but not from your heart.

Turning the evil machine off you felt the bed colder than usual. You looked at your side and saw an empty space, meaning Law had already left for work.


Three days ago university had started for continuous and last semestral evaluations, which you didn't need to attend since yours were already out, and being the usual overdramatic and overly protective parents, Mr. And Ms. Trafalgar insisted Law should start his training sooner at the hospital.

Of course your stubborn nerd boyfriend accepted it, completly ignoring your pleas and even his own body's.

You sighed at the hard headed male.

You got up, stretched and looked at the closed closet with the hidden suitcase inside.

Today was the day...

Snapping back to reality in shock, you looked down upon your adorable son licking and sniffing your ankle with his tails wiggling violently from excitment.

"Goord morning Bepo!" – You took him in your chest and kissed him – "Hope momy didn't make you wait too long."

You smiled at the energetic puppy, already wanting to get down and run. Placing him down and watching him go towards the door, you followed him into the hallway and then downstairs.

You went towards the kitchen, as always, opened the glass door for him and let him do his needs.

While you waited your mind wandered. Thoughts on your own cowardice for not being able to tell anything to Law until now and how you'd do it, since today would be your last day.

Once he finished and came back inside you closed the door and went for the fridge, opening the door to take out some hidden cookies you knew Law didn't want you to eat but you loved them so much you just had to.

You opened the cookie jar and saw a piece of paper inside.

Confused you took it out, unfolded and read:

"My dearest (Y/N)-ya,

Forgive me for being at times cold and distant, I've been an emotional mess these last few days, it was not my intention to hurt or force myself upon you in any way.

I have no words to describe how sad and broken I feel on the inside knowing you'll soon leave me.

I know about your job overseas, which I had waited for you to tell me and noticed your failed attempts to do so during our short time together due to my early work.

I also know our time together is up.

I just wanted to tell you that although I am sad, I am also happy for you. I'm happy that you've finally found a path of your own and a job you like. I'm proud to call you mine.

These last few days we've been together, along with our every encounter since day one, have been the best of my life so far.

I don't want you to feel guilty and instead pursue your dreams just like I'll continue to pursue mine. For this reason I'm letting you go, and maybe one day we'll meet again.

Love, your Traffy.

P.S: Remember to log out from your accounts next time."

Warm tears rolled down your cheeks all the way to your jaw and splattering into the ground, from where Bepo looked up at you with a confused look and licked your skin in an instinctive conforting way.

For Art (Trafalgar Law x Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora