5. (Hamza's POV)

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'I hope you are comfortable' Mr. Amir re-entered the room several minutes later. I was walking around in their living room, looking at the bookshelf that had quite the collection, some were literature classics and others were poetry books.

'You have quite the collection' I pointed out as we sat down.

'It's mostly Ayat's.' He informed me. So, she was a serious reader? Who knew.

'How are you liking it here so far?' He changed the subject and we went on to talk about other things. There was no doubt that Mr. Amir was an intelligent man, he was a self-made man who started from almost nothing and built a life for his family here away from all the city noise. I could feel a sense of calmness when I talked to him. He led a simple life and wanted the same for his daughters.

'If you are ever in the city, please do come over...I think my father will really enjoy meeting you' I told him. Dad liked such company and I could tell he'd appreciate meeting Mr. Amir.

'I will...you should tell your parents to come here while you are here. There is a lot to see here' He said.

'Dad is really busy with these days since I am here, he is managing most of the projects by himself...Mama might come over for some time, I don't know when to be exact.' I informed him.

'Tea is ready' The little girl, who I remembered was named Haya came in and invited us.

'Wonderful, let's have it in the backyard huh Haya? Tell Ayat to bring the tea outside...what do you say?' He looked at me as he got up.

'Anything is fine' I nodded out of awkwardness and followed him outside.

'Wow,' I was stunned to see the wide variety of plants they had in their average size backyard.

'That's...' I started to speak but got interrupted by Ayat's voice coming from inside. Seconds later I saw her coming our way, holding a tray in her hands.

'Assalam O Alikum' She quickly glanced at me, with no hint of emotion as she set the tray on the small table. Haya followed behind with more food.

'This is too much Mr.Amir...' I meant to say Ayat's name but thought her father might find it odd. Technically it was Mr. Amir who invited me over but most likely it was his daughters who prepared the food.

'No not at all' He looked proud as he gestured me to start eating.

'Let me know if you need anything else Papa' Ayat said in a low voice as she poured the tea in the cups. I felt bad about agreeing to come over. They had to go through so much trouble because of me.

'Haya, please join us' I looked at the girl who was trying to hide behind her big sister but was also staring at me. I wonder if Ayat badmouthed about me to her.

'No...we are fine' Ayat answered instead.

'I wasn't asking you' I took a sip of tea. Surprisingly the tea was not as bitter as the person who made it.

'Ayat...both of you, sit here...come on' Mr. Amir ordered the girls, and both sat down with us. Haya hesitated at first but minutes later she started to seem relaxed and started to behave normally but the older remained stiff as a board. No matter how much Mr.Amir tried to add her in the conversation, she hardly spoke. What was her deal and why was her distant behaviour bothering me?

'Excuse me...I have to answer this call...' A while later Mr. Amir's phone rang, and he excused himself and went inside to talk in private, leaving me to deal with one young girl who showed more interested in her food than the guest which was understandable, but Ayat's presence was something else. Although she wasn't saying anything, I felt as if she was screaming from inside.

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