The Diner

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Alexandra (!!!!!!!!!!)

The diner was pretty quiet tonight. A cute couple sat in the back corner by the jukebox and a man in a fancy suit was sipping coffee while reading a book in one of the tables near the door.

It was a Thursday night, so I wasn't surprised by the lack of people.

Because of the lack of people there were only three of us working, Joe, our cook, Henry, he was was a waiter and me, the waitress.

So far tonight has consisted of Henry giving me cheese pick up lines. His inspiration being the cute couple in the corner.

"For some reason, I was feeling a little off today. But when you came along, you definitely turned me on." He wiggled his eyebrows and I laughed as I shoved his shoulder.

"Wait, I have more. I'd say God Bless you, but it looks like he already did. Somebody call the cops, because it's got to be illegal to look that good! You remind me of a magnet, because you sure are attracting me over here!" He continued and I was doubled over in laughter.

"I'm not a photographer, but I can picture me and you together." He stood up and began taking pictures of me with his phone. I giggled as I shoed him away.

"Ohhh, these are good. I'm gonna put them up online." He started typing away on his phone.

I stopped laughing instantly. I had been sure to keep a low profile, not putting my face on the internet in fear of him coming here to take me back.

I lunged forward towards Henry's phone and ripped it out of his hands. "NOO!" I yelled, causing the couple, the man and Henry all to give me confused looks.

I looked at his phone and instantly deleted the post about me and I deleted all the photos of me on his camera roll. "You can't post anything about me." I say as I give his phone back.

"Are you in the witness protection program?" He laughs and I shrug.

"Something like that." I mumble and he gives me a concerned look.

"Alexandra, are you okay? You can tell me anything, you know that right?" He says and I nod. Over the past few weeks, Henry has become a really good friend. It's nice knowing I could actually make friends here, without having someone watching me every second of my life.

"I'm just trying to get away from someone." I say easily and he nods.

He didn't ask any questions, which I was grateful for. The whole situation was very complicated. Werewolves and Shadows aside.

The bell dinged, signaling that someone just entered the diner. I gave Henry another smile before walking over to where the customer sat. I quickly adjusted my apron, and took out the notepad from the pocket.

"Hey there, how are you doing tonight?" The man sat at a booth in the middle by himself. He wore a pair of jeans and a tight wine shirt. The whole ensemble reminded me a bit of him. But this man wasn't him, the man looked up at me with a smile.

The man had brown hair and brown eyes. His smile was wide and caused wrinkles along his cheeks, but in a cute way. He looked a bit familiar, but I couldn't tell where I knew him from.

"I'm great, thanks for asking."

"Alright," I handed him a menu, "What would you like to drink?"

"Just a water."

"Great, I'll have that out for you in a bit."

I walked back over to the counter where Henry remained standing. He was staring at the man with fear in his eyes. His Adams apple bobbing up and down slowly.

"Hey, Hen, are you alright?" I asked and he looked at me and smiled quickly.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm great. Everything is grand." He blurt out.

I was confused, but nodded anyway and got the water. the man ordered a grilled cheese and ate it fairly quickly when I placed it on his table. He left without a word, but did give me a ten dollar tip, so I was grateful for that.

When my shift was over I got back to my apartment and put the tip money in a large mason jar that I had labeled, "MY MONEY."

I wanted to make a living for myself without his help. I wanted a life of my own where I wasn't reminded of him.

The jar was filling, slowly. But it was filling, which meant that I could handle myself without his help and thats all that matters.

The next morning the diner was a bit busier. We had a third waitress beside Henry and I, her name was Gloria, she was older than the two of us, but was still great to have around.

Fridays mornings weren't that hard to work, it was the evenings when things got hectic. teenagers came here with dates or with groups of people and they were usually really annoying. But sometimes they would tip a lot, so I always try to be their waitress.

This morning, I noticed that Gloria was waitressing the same man from last night. He again ordered a grilled cheese and when he was done eating he left without a word.

I also noticed Henry not taking his eyes off the man until he left the parking lot. It was strange.

That night a group of highschool boys came to the dinner and sat in the biggest booth near the back.

"Alexandra, the table is yours if you want it." I give him a smile as I make my way over to the table.

They were pretty rowdy boys, but all in all, they calmed down whenever I came up to take their orders or make sure that everything tasted good. It wasn't till they were almost down with their food when they got weird.

"Do you need anything else?" I ask making my way over. One of the boys on the end lifted his head and gave me a smirk that reminded me of him.

"Can I get your number?" He asked and I laughed.

"Sorry, Kiddo. I'm a bit old for you." I say and he nods.

One of the other boys lifts his head and looks at me, "I just turned eighteen. Can I have it?" he asked and then added a flirtatious wink at the end of his sentence. Again I laughed and shook my head no.

"Dang." He said even though he didn't look the least bit sad.

I gave them their check and they left soon after, giving me a pretty good tip as they left. And on the receipt there were a ew random numbers scrawled at the bottom. I laughed as I threw it away once it was all checked over.

I didn't really need anyone in my life at the moment. I was perfectly happy being by myself.



Still trying to get out more and more chapters. Thank you all for your continued support. I appreciate every single one of you readers.

Remember to message me cover ideas !

Also I wanted to thank you all for over 100K reads! That is absolutely amazing, I can't believe how far this book has come and I count have done it if it weren't for you.

Kidnapped By An Alpha (Discontinued)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora