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The day was finally here. My family was prepared to fight. Jasper had taught us everything he knows about fighting a newborn army of immortals, we were thoroughly prepared. I felt the excitement of a fight settle into my bones, something I had not felt in centuries. A grin spread over my face as I stood with my family where the newborns were to meet us. Bella had helped as much as she could, spreading her blood around the forest to send the newborns into a frenzy, which was sure to work. As we waited, I flipped my powers on and off to prepare myself. I watched as my hand became ghost-like, grinning as I thought back to the day I had first learnt of my powers.

My father was teaching me how to hunt. I was freshly turned yet I held the same control my father did. We had always fed on humans, not knowing any better. I was sure that if my father was still around, he and Carlisle would have gotten along quite well. Carlisle would have introduced both of us to the vegetarian diet and my father would have taught Carlisle all he knew about medicine, which had been his career back in Dacia – it was one of the reasons why Carlisle and I got along so well, he reminded me so much of my father.

We had been feeding on the town drunk, someone who kept harassing the young women despite the countless times the good men of my town had told him to stop. I still remembered the taste of his blood; bitter and old, ruined not only by age but also by the numerous bottles of liquor he had consumed over the past years. We had been so distracted by the meal, trying to train every drop of blood without risking the chance of him changing. We were both still only new, unused to the lifestyle of an immortal. One of the city soldiers had seen us feeding, deciding to take matters into his own hands and slay us "foul, soulless monsters."

He had aimed for me first, choosing to take down the easy prey. I had always been short and unthreatening, and this was something that had not changed when I was turned. He had taken his sword out and, in a split second, was driving it through my chest. Although it would not have killed me, my body still went into auto drive. Without even thinking about it, my power had activated, and I was standing there with a sword through my chest and no feeling a single thing.

My father had slain the soldier, allowing us to have two meals that night. His blood tasted nicer, younger and strong. We did not forget about what happened with me. My father had said he heard of vampires with extraordinary powers, but we had never imagined one of those to be me.

My thoughts were broken by the sound of running within the forest, too fast to be anything but vampires. I grinned wider, tensing my muscles to throw myself into action. This was going to be very fun.

The newborns broke the clearing, sprinting directly for us in a frenzy that could only be driven by one thing, bloodlust. They had caught the scent of Bella's blood.

My family ran straight to meet them, colliding with the powerful sound of cracking marble. Jasper had taken the first kill, damn. I wanted that.

I threw myself at the nearest newborn, hands landing on his shoulders as I flipped myself over before landing and ripping his head off his shoulder, the sound of marble breaking filling my ears as the dust cleared. I turned and threw the head to the nearest newborn who caught it with surprise. Before giving them a chance to recover I lifted my leg up to kick his head of his shoulders, watching with glee as his body slumped to the floor and the head in his hands rolled away. I had missed this.

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