(Chapter 13) You are the cause

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Jungkook leaves his shirt on the bathroom door for her.

"You want her to wear your clothes," Jimin sing-songs from behind Namjoon.

"I bought her a change of clothes as well. But she can wear yours instead," the older woman says, not unkindly.

Jungkook felt himself going red under the gazes of all his hyungs, each smirking at him.

"I... I didn't know. I didn't know you had, had clothes for her... well, I'm sure, I'm sure she would prefer what you, you chose. The, girl clothes," he nearly bites his tongue.

Yoongi raises an eyebrow at his stammering.

"Well, they're here if she wants them later." The noona lines up five store-crisp shopping bags on the coffee table.

"Why are there so many? How long is she staying?" asks Taehyung in surprise.

"Women need more toiletries than men," the noona shakes a finger at him.

The bathroom door clicks open and closed, quickly, around the corner in the hallway.

Jungkook turns, wanting to shout that there are "girl clothes", but before he can, he has already heard the door close.

The noona smiles and takes one of the shopping bags, walking into the hallway and knocking on the bathroom door.

There's hushed conversation between more door clicking.

The nurse counts the water bottles and forces three of them on Jungkook.

He was happy to oblige.

Still, his head began to feel like sharp forks were digging into his skull by the time he had finished his water.

His hands grew heavier to lift and he wasn't listening to his members tease him anymore.

So he cannot, really cannot, explain the explosion of gold in his chest the moment his soulmate stepped out of the hallway and she was wearing his shirt.

She had a large hairclip, one that he had seen in the shopping bag, holding up her wet hair.

She was wearing perfectly fitting new sweatpants too.

But it was his shirt.

Why did she choose his shirt over the "girl clothes"?

And he felt a weird tug in his cheek that was going to break into a stupid smile so he grit down on his teeth to make it stop.

The nurse bore down on the freshly showered girl, pressing an open bottle of water into her hands.

Jungkook needed healing, was what he tried to convince himself with, when he resisted the almost magnetic pull the bond was making him feel toward his soulmate.

It's just self preservation.

Besides, he really did feel terrible now.

He sat down and leaned himself back against the furniture.

Soulmate Bonded: Jungkook xReader (feat. Namjoon)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin