Chapter 28: A Father's Lament

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February-ish 2008, Louisville, Kentucky, United States

Gabriel couldn't believe it. Actually, he kind of could since Maya was his daughter and all, but that didn't help with the shock factor. He rubbed his face in exasperation and annoyance, with a good side of guilt, as he finished reading the note she left for him. Ugh. Anger, guilt, and worry do not mix.

'At least there was a note this time', he thought sardonically, folding up the piece of paper and putting it in the right breast pocket of his dark green jacket. It hurt that Maya still, on some level, felt it was necessary to just run away from him when they butted heads like this.

Gabriel had wanted her to come back and stay with him. He's overprotective, so sue him. Can she really blame him for freaking out after that time loop fiasco he did on the Winchester duo?

Apparently, yes she can.

"You do realize it was a mistake killing Dean over and over again right? And then letting Sam know it was you, basically painted a giant red target on your back," she pointed out.

"I was trying to teach a lesson about letting goooooooo. Sammykins just wasn't as smart as I thought he was," Gabriel rolled his eyes at her.

"Oh yeah. I'm pretty sure anybody who watched their family die over and over again, over a hundred times is definitely working on all cylinders," The sarcasm in her voice was very real.

"Hey! I extended that last one to give him proper time to grieve and let go! How was I supposed to know he'd hunt me down!?" he defended. "Or use you to get to me!"

"Sam was obviously at the end of his rope, and also he's a Hunter, Dad. It's what they do. They hunt things, especially those things that killed their friends and family. Like what you did in that time loop." Maya explained patronizingly.

"So, Gigantor staking you was my fault?!" He said aghast.

"No. Well, not completely. Sam still could've chosen to leave me out of it, but it wouldn't have happened if you hadn't killed Dean that Wednesday," she pointed out with a shrug.

Gabriel shook his head and asserted, "It doesn't matter anymore. When I leave this joint you're coming with me."

"What? Why?!" Maya exclaimed.

"You got yourself killed! I'm not about to let you go off on your own again!" Gabriel said slightly panicky, the image of her dead eyes staring into nothingness still very fresh in his mind.

"That was in a time loop of a timeline where you killed Dean! I highly doubt Sam still wants my head on a pike to get back at you," she rolled her eyes at him.

"You don't know that! Tootsie Roll I just want to keep you safe..." Gabriel sighed. Why did she have to argue with him?

"I get that, really, I do, but you said I could have a year on my own. I passed your test-" Maya didn't get to finish as Gabriel cut her off.

"And you still got staked in the chest! I'm sorry Maya, but you're staying with me. That's final." His voice brokered no room for argument.

"I love you Dad, but I can't stay with you forever," she looked at him pleadingly.

"That's what you think." He told her, hands on hips and slightly narrowed eyes.

Hindsight being what it was, Gabriel admitted he could've handled that conversation better, but that wasn't here nor now. Right now? He had a wayward daughter to hunt down...again. Then ground her ass till she was sporting white hairs and wrinkles!

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