4. Library Interrogation

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And you were also afraid of the fact that he will most definitely ask about yesterday.

You were walking towards the library, with the map in hand, you were certain you wouldn't be late.

Guess who was wrong. That's right, you.

But not by much tho, still, Jimin was outside the library waiting for you.


"I'm not that late." you retort back.

"Come on, let's just get started!" He chuckled.

You quickly found a table fit for your planned study session. You sat down next to each other. Both of you got your books and notes out.

"Where shall we begin?" You ask.

Jimin shrugged. "I guess at the assigned chapter?"

"Really funny Jimin."

You dived into the assignment, getting some of it done in a surprisingly long time. Tired, you were about to gather all your work when suddenly, Jimin interrupted you by tickling your side-

"Aahhh! No! Stop it, Jimin!" You laugh loudly. He giggled.

The old cranky librarian, who stood by a near bookshelf putting books back at their right places, hushed at you. You felt your cheeks turn red. Jimin apologized. You hit his shoulder lightly.

"Why did you do that for?!"

He just continued to giggle. "Because I was bored, and we're almost done-"

"Yeah! Almost! Definitely not!" You whisper-shout back.

"Hrmph. Let's finish this then."

And so you did. At least some more of it. Not everything.

You kinda lost track of time and soon drifted away with thoughts upon thoughts.

Even if you've just met Jimin, you feel like you could really become close friends. Same goes for Taehyung and Jungkook, they're so cute together. And with the three nice boys you met earlier today. Namjoon, the one with dimples you remembered. And Hoseok, the energetic one. And Jin, gods he was beautiful. In fact,  all of them are good looking.

Even Yoongi, you had to admit that. He does get on your nerves in the most annoying way ever, but still, he is good looking. Pity he is such a prick-

Jimin waved a hand in front of you. You blinked.

"Are you with me? Hello, earth to Y/N?" He said.

"Umm, yeah, yes I'm here." You answer.

"Are you alright?"

"Yes, why wouldn't I?" You nervously laughed, making sure not to be too loud, in fear of the old librarian.

"Okay. Then tell me why you stormed out of the cafeteria at lunch today, huh?" He said and gave you a knowing look.

All air went out of your lungs. You had dreaded this moment but had still hoped Jimin would magically forget about it and not ask.

ENEMIES || Yoongi x readerTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang