Lost Episode #0022 | How Conner Got Kelsey

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How Conner Got Kelsey

Kelsey's P.O.V.

In college, when people observed my relationship with Conner, they made the assumption that we always were two peas in a pod, magnetically drawn to each other by the hip. The reality was far from that. There was once a time that I couldn't stand the boy I called the love of my life.

The first time my eyes laid on Conner Blackwood, weeks into the second semester of my Freshman year, I had no intention of giving him the time of day. I wasn't naïve to his wandering gaze, studying my body whenever he thought I wasn't looking—but in fact, I was. I never stopped noticing the blonde boy in my anatomy class, peaking back at me without any intent to seem discreet.

In my communications class, I unintentionally befriend one of his associates, Bryce Matthews, and got stuck going to parties with their crew. I endured even more of Conner's distant, yet longing gazes, taunting me to make the first move. We shared a few conversations and lots of arguments, here and there, but he knew better than to cross the line. And there was a reason for that.

Neither of us were ever available at the right time. Either I was with a new guy, or he was transfixed by some girl he picked up at the bar. I could see how frequent he changed around girls in his life and I saw that as a sign to stay away.

I was growing weak to his words. He knew what to say, but I constantly pulled back. This semester, I would've caved in earlier, fallen into his arms like all the girls before, if it weren't for the undeniable existence of my boyfriend of four months. He was a shy man, asking for my permission any time he touched me, kissed me, or wanted to hold me.

I was fond of his forbearing, tenderness at the beginning stages of our relationship. However, the infatuation was starting to sizzle out like a dying fire. For years, I had yearned for a compassionate, sweet guy to waltz into my life because I was tired of attracting bad natured men who had no interest in staying around longer than a month, and then finding a new girl to tend to their horny needs.

There comes a time in most girls lives where living on the edge and going for the bad boys withers away, making way for logic to take place. I wanted stability; I wanted longevity in a relationship. Gang members like Conner weren't designed for that. They fed off lust, clung on to a different obsession every so often to satisfy their deviant cravings, and at last, tossed the poor soul as though they never had care for her at all.

I was done with that sad, sick cycle. I wanted out, so I settled for the nice guy for once. Even though I pretended to be content, a rush went through me now and then whenever I went back to thinking of the hot, steamy moments I shared with the boys that broke my heart. I couldn't survive piecing back the parts another time.

But with our five-month anniversary coming by, and still no sex, I was turning into someone I didn't know I could become. I was fiening for some type—any type—of intimacy, itching for any way of being close to my boyfriend.

On the day of our anniversary, I talked to Bryce about my dilemma. As I expected, he shook in a fit of laughter when I described my situation.

I swung a slap against his arm, abruptly putting a halt to his rich, full mirth. "This isn't funny."

"Oh, yes, yes it is." He wiped away a tear at the corner of his eye, sighing a slow breath. "I can't believe you're thinking of asking him for sex. Like you're a prostitute of some sort. He's your boyfriend. If he's not trying to bone you at every hour of the day, I don't know what to think."

"Maybe he's a cake boy," someone off at the side of our table said, sitting across from me. I looked up, putting a hand to my brows to block out the sun and see who had just made the rude assumption that my boyfriend was gay.

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