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He was almost ready.

Years of research. Millions of dollars. Dozens of test subjects. All of it had been leading up to this moment. Dr. Ingrid Nilsson almost couldn't believe it.

Her greatest achievement in genetics was almost complete.

The tall, blonde doctor stood in the center of her lab with a smile stretched across her pale face. She clasped her hands across her stomach as she stared at the cylindrical glass containment unit ahead of her. Through the thick air circulating around inside, she could make out the vague shape of the body suspended inside.

His physique was impeccable. His genetic makeup deliberate and without flaw. And his mind... The doctor could only wish to be as perfect as he was.

Her eyes lit up as she gazed upon the body floating within the containment unit.

He was beautiful.

The sound of fingers flying across keyboards and machines whirring filled the expansive lab. The bright lights from the ceiling shone harshly against the spotless white walls and floors. Bright screens displaying vital signs, diagnostic reports, and other information on the subject sat atop the metal tables placed around the room. Dr. Nilsson's handpicked team of researchers, genetics experts, engineers, and various assistants milled about the place, carrying out her orders and putting the finishing touches on her project.

"Only a few more diagnostics for us to run before we finally get to present it to General North," one of the lab technicians said from behind her.

The corner of Dr. Nilsson's mouth twitched.


"Excuse me, ma'am."

"He is not an it."

She shot the technician a scathing look. Gulping, they shrunk into their seat and nodded shrewdly.

"Of course, Dr. Nilsson. My apologies."

The doctor knew she shouldn't have been getting attached to her creation. After all, there was every chance that it would fail. And then she would be back at square one. Even with that lingering over her head like a storm cloud, she was filled with optimism.

She wouldn't fail.

He wouldn't fail.

He was going to change the world for the better. Those who once called themselves heroes left the world in the lurch. Unrest was growing in Primes across the globe. Riots, attacks, assassination attempts on government officials.

General North, Dr. Nilsson's employer, wasn't exactly making things any better with his use of Jaegers in every major metropolitan city. With the backing of President Alastair Crane and the United Nations, who had been in power for almost three years, nothing was stopping the power-hungry general from throwing his weight around.

Still, Dr. Nilsson knew the Primes were nothing to scoff at.

Especially with the Exiles constantly rescuing Primes from the clutches of the new Prime Task Force. However, they weren't the only enemy. Another Prime, one of the most dangerous Dr. Nilsson had ever seen, was directly attacking shipments intended for her lab. General North was too arrogant to see what was going on, but the doctor wasn't.

The Primes were angry.

And they were organizing.

It would only be a matter of time until they fought back.

The doctor's icy gaze settled on the glass containment unit once more. Her smile returned to her thin lips. Her creation would stop the fight before it even began. He would stop all fights. He would fix all problems.

He was the answer to every question.

Soon the world would see what she saw.

Then they would love him just like she did.

False Gods | The Prime Archives #3 ✓Where stories live. Discover now