Chapter 18

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Paul's apartment was really hard to find

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Paul's apartment was really hard to find. Like, she could have sworn she knew where it was, but then when she went there, she found herself in some unfamiliar alleyways. How hard was it to find an apartment building? Rush had ceased following her about an hour ago, but she continued to search the area. Why was this so hard? The café was closed this late, she didn't have a phone, and even if she did, she didn't have Paul's number. Did Paul even have a phone? She wasn't exactly sure. As a Nothing, she doubted that he kept a GPS locator on him.

There was a laugh, and she spun around but couldn't find its source. Rush appeared at her side instantly with a low growl. Looking around, she still didn't see anyone, and then there was a wash of dark energy behind her. Leaning against a wall, Caelan smirked at her, and she glared back at him.

"It's fun to watch you go in circles," Caelan teased, drawing out another low growl from Rush as he eyed the man. While he could tell he was a dark creature, she wondered to what point a vampire could recognize others. Did Rush know he was half lycanthrope by looking at him?

"How long have you been watching me, Caelan?" Using his name allowed Rush to calm at her side, but he still eyed him warily.

"The whole time. Payback, for staring at me naked," Caelan retorted, and she let out an annoyed groan.

"You weren't naked, you were shirtless, and I wasn't staring."

"You were staring." Caelan didn't even give her time to breathe before he responded to her denial.

Well, she had been staring, so that was fair. What fault was it of hers if he was hot?

"Meredith, you know this Lycanthrope?" Rush asked down to her. Looking up to him, his eyes were narrowed, and it was clear he didn't like Caelan.

"Yeah, I know him, but I wouldn't say were friends. I don't think Caelan likes me very much." Rush was still giving her that look of concern. On his face it was plastered stoicism with only a glint in his eyes that looked like rage. Concern looked like silent anger on Rush, but she'd been staring at his flat expressionless face too long. "Caelan, I want to talk to Paul. Can you please not be a pain and show me to the building."

"No." Caelan's answer was immediate and rigid.

"Do you have to be so unfriendly?" Mer snapped back, and Caelan's eyes narrowed on her.

"Yes. Paul doesn't stay alive by inviting vampires into his house, let alone the heir to the Shades." Caelan's glare was pointed at Rush, and Rush growled low in the back of his throat again.

"Look, you damn lackey, Paul said he wanted to talk to him. If you're going to be a pain, you're going against his wishes by not helping him." Mer breathed in exasperation, and Caelan flipped his gaze toward a building in the distance.

"Fine." Caelan wasn't talking to her, but when he raised his hand an illusion disappeared and then she was suddenly at the foot of their apartment complex.

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