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     Evie couldn't help but stare. Her eyes were trained on the zeds before her, and they were ravenously clawing into her brother, tearing off pieces of him and shovelling them into their mouths. Their eyes were filled with a need for blood and they settled on her brother.

     She audibly gulped hearing the sounds of skin tearing. It wasn't too long before the group of zeds slowly stood up and walked in all directions, not noticing her because she stilled out of fear and only seemed to focus on Adrian.

     Much of his body hadn't succumbed to their mouths which only seemed to happen for one reason; zeds never liked to eat their own.

     Adrian had turned.

     Only a minute after did she see his arm jerk, making Evie flinch. Then he sat up, his back facing her. A growl left his mouth and he was on his feet, slightly limping because one leg got chewed on more than the other.

     "Oh, god, Adrian," Evie sobbed.

     Adrian turned around and through the chaos, he seemed to notice her. Another growl sounded out of his mouth.

     Evie's body protested, but she eventually got to her feet, the movement only seeming to excite Adrian. His eyes were only trained on her as he limped closer.

     "I'm so sorry, Adrian," Evie said, slowly grabbing her gun. "I'm so sorry."

     He growled again as if in protest of her next movements. He held his arms out wanting to grab her as she pointed the barrel of the gun at his head. He seemed to get closer and closer, but she couldn't do it. Sweat beaded down her forehead, her grip getting tighter on the weapon.

     However, just before he could grab at her, she instinctively pressed the trigger, the bullet slicing through the flesh of his forehead before he dropped to the floor.

     Sobs wracked through Evie's body, realising what she had just done. She killed her brother. He was dead.

     She forced her gaze elsewhere, noticing Megan and Ava running across the bridge. Adrenaline coursed through her as she broke into a run after them. This would be her last chance, and so she started shooting. But she couldn't get a good shot in since they were moving too fast.

     When they had left with their bikes, she tried her chance and sent another shot their way, fuming when she missed again. Instead of trying again after that, she pressed her back against the wall and slumped to the floor. She could hear the zeds growling and chewing far behind her on the bridge. Her friends might've even turned into them by now, too. The thought angered her, but most of what she was feeling was pain.

     Evie was alone now, she realised. She didn't know whether any of the others survived, and if they did, she had no clue where they went.

     She longed for her brother. For so long, he had protected her, and the one time he needed her, she had let him down.

     She couldn't seem to stop sobbing. Couldn't stop hearing the screams in her head. But it was all over now, at least.

     Looking around, she noticed the street was filled with zeds that had been attracted to the sound of the gunshots. They hadn't noticed her yet, and so were mindlessly dragging their feet around once again. She knew she couldn't just sit there. More of them could come.

     Even though she was exhausted and wanted nothing but to sleep where she sat, Evie knew that wasn't safe. She slowly got to her feet and walked in a random direction.

     Zeds began to notice her and changed their direction. Their growls became louder, letting her know they saw her.

     As they approached her, she wondered what she even had to live for anymore. She looked at the gun in her hand and thought about a quick bullet to the brain to take her pain away. The pain was too much to bear. Before she could realise it, the barrel of the gun was pointed at her temple. She closed her eyes, willing for her to be taken away. Her hand shook. She had to be quick before the zeds got to her. Why can't I fucking do it? Her finger was on the trigger, shaking against the button that would end her life.


     It couldn't just end like this. Evie opened her eyes, noticing a bunch of zeds were mere metres from her. She shot most of them in the face, causing them to drop to the floor, before she broke out into a run. As she ran, she knew she couldn't just die like that. Not when she knew the person responsible for the death of her brother was still out there.

     This was all because of Megan. Megan hunted them down. Megan made Cara switch sides and work against them. At least Cara was dead. Adrian was right; she was weak. And Megan wouldn't have anyone to protect her anymore.

     Evie smiled thinking about how it would feel to see Megan cowering before her. She would do anything to have her begging for mercy before Evie killed her. Evie may not have known where Megan was at that moment, but she was going to look for her for as long as she lived. Evie felt like she owed it to her brother to catch her and get rid of her.

     Megan could enjoy her life for now, but Evie was sure she'd find her.

     "I'm going to kill you, Megan," Evie told herself as she slowed to a walk. "I'm going to find you and no one will be able to save you this time."

Becoming Them: A Zombie NovelWhere stories live. Discover now