Chapter 2: Stalker

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|| Qualin's POV (Blue Dragonet) ||

I stretched as the harness was clipped together by the long nimble fingers of Lyri, and I shot a grateful smile up at the Kymari. He gave a smile back and held out a piece of shia fruit, and I pounced on his outstretched hand with little hesitation.

With sheathed claws, I wrapped my hands around his thumb and snatched up the mouth watering fruit.

Lyri chuckled and motioned his head towards the shoulder pad that rested on his shoulder. I tilted my head then bounded up to perch on his shoulder, pushing the side of my cheek into his neck affectionately.

Is it time for a walk? I asked hopefully, turning to peer into his eyes.

"Mm-hm. Where would you prefer to go today, Qualin?" He asked as he tucked the lead into his pocket. He turned to look at me, his eyes curious. His thick locks of black hair swayed with the movement.

The central park. I replied without hesitation, with an affirmative nod at the end.

He gave me a dazzling grin and turned to stride out of the door and onto the busy path that ran along the side of the rode. I peered around at the hovercrafts that whizzed by, and at the houses that were so fashionably designed it would make any human architect break down and quit their job.

My ear tufts were perked forward as I examined the Kymari that walked by, and cheekily swiped at Lyri's nose.

He swatted my hand away as if irritated, but I could see the mischievous grin that pulled on his lips. I snorted into his ear, leaping to the other shoulder pad as he attempted to turn and look at me. I crouched down in a playful position, swiping at him as he turned to watch me with amusement in his expressive eyes.

He tutted his tongue in a failed attempt of disapproval before chuckling. He continued down the sidewalk and let out a sigh of content as he stepped onto the bright grass that labeled the area as apart of the park. I was humming with excitement, waiting for the command to go.

"Go on, Qualin. I won't stop you." Lyri gestured with his hand, but I didn't need another prompt.

I leaped off his shoulder pad, spreading my wings and arrowing into the tight foliage as I was greeted with a few of my colorful friends. We reached a clearing and danced around each other, wingtips brushing against each other in a greeting.

I trilled in hello, my ears twitching as the others chirped and twittered in response.

Qualin! Long time no see, blue boy! I turned to look at the mischievous green female that had snuck up on me.

It's only been a week, Luisa. I grinned at her nonetheless, glas to see my old friend.

I turned my head to see the other Dragonets peering into the shadows as if expecting them to pounce on them at any time. I cocked my head and frowned, watching as a few of them shot a few experimental fireballs into the shadows.

We should head back to the nests. A purple Dragonet chirped with uncertainty.

Why? What's going on? I quizzed. I didn't like not knowing things, and I felt a sense of fear spike my heart when I felt the impulse to fall into a submissive posture.

She's coming! One screeched, and the others bolted for the air.

I stood there, puzzled, until Luisa dragged me up into the air. I flapped my wings to assist her and shook her off when we were high enough.

I followed them, my mind curious yet still innocently frightened of the absurd feeling to roll over and submit to a being I couldn't even see. My wing beats grew slightly uneven, and my straight direction was set slightly off skew. The others didn't seem to notice, in their rush to evacuate the clearing and find safety.

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