Chapter 18- Lights Out

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Radioactive- Imagine Dragons

All day.

All freaking day.

I've been so stressed out.

I mean I obviously I have to fight but the fact is tonight is the night where if I don't win then my identity is revealed.

Which is a no bueno

I also have to hope and pray that there's a dinner on the other side of town and that Emilio doesn't go there at all. I can't believe I couldn't make a better excuse than that.

I was currently at the gym with Alex. All week I've been training with him just to make sure I win this fight. I can't afford to loose this.

I've been at the gym since school ended and it was now almost 7pm. So basically almost 4 hours. I have to be at the ring at around 7:30ish which means so would have to leave now. The fight starts at 8pm so it gives me 30 minutes to focus.

I wiped all the sweat off my body with my green wet rag. I drank more of my water as I panted like a dog. I just got finished sparing with Alex.

"Dallas you alright?" Alex says catching me off guard.

"Yeah just a little bit worried." I reply back.

Alex knows about what Asher or Emilio is going to do. Alex doesn't know that Asher is Emilio because I haven't told him that yet.

Once I told him he flipped out and told me that I had to train extra hard. He also told me that to make sure my mask was on tighter than ever. He did not want me to be exposed either.

If I get exposed I my life could possibly be at risk. I've heard that many gangs or whatever want me to fight for them or be the bait in order to grab some people. So if they know who I actually am, they can find out almost everything about me and I don't want that to happen.

"Don't worry you will be fine. Just remember what I taught you and make sure your mask is on super tight tonight." Alex says as he pats my back.

"Are you going to be there?" I say.

"I'm going to try to make it. I will see if someone can cover my shift." he replies.

"Alright. Well I have to get going so I can meet Lindsey." I begin to pack up my stuff.

"Okay kiddo. Good luck and don't die on me." Alex smiles.

"You know I won't." I smirk and walk out the door

I head over to my car and pull up to my house. I change into my usually clothing and put on my mask extra tight. I take a deep breathe and head out the door. I go over to my motorcycle and begin riding it.

About 15 minutes later I finally arrived at the West ring. Literally just on time because I procrastinated a little bit and took the long way. I don't know why I'm so nervous right now.

Something feels weird and I have this gut feeling something bad will happen but I think i'm just being paranoid because I know he's going to try and take off my mask.

I go inside and people are making a path for me. I guess they all know who I am. Some people are giving me dirty looks and yelling at me for me to leave. I usually just ignore people when they do that.

I soon spot Lindsey in the crowd. I immediately make my way towards her so I won't get into any trouble. I see her talking to someone. They look familiar but I don't remember from where.

I walk closer and closer to see if I can hear their conversation. They haven't spotted me yet so I'm going pretty good so far.

"What do you mean! He can't do that!" I hear Lindsey almost yell.

I Punched Emilio MartinezWhere stories live. Discover now