Shit 2: I'm indebted.

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     Anyway, there is one time incident particular that make me impressed. I guess it when we're form 5 ( 17 y/0). Most students don't like me because of my blunt no insurance mouth. Also maybe i was being kerek (annoying). So one time, I make someone (Diana) cried because I want to change something up. 

     While Diana is crying her heart out, our setting table was in a group setup (study group). So imagine while Diana was crying at a group of people, one by one left the table, even Balqis left me. 

     But only Amani stayed with me. I was grateful until Amani said 

     "Kau tahu kan aku boleh je tinggalkan kau sorang kat sini". 

     (You know that I can just leave you alone here, right?)

     As if she was informing me how big her 'sacrifice' are. I was actually got very sentap (snap) for that. Seriously, that hit me extremely HARD (why? - because I can still remember that until this day with my shitty memory). It makes it less sincere and sound forced. 

     But you know what, she stayed. I guess that why I'm being loyal to her because I was touched and indebted? I let her do what she wants and being nice as much as possible, even my sister get jealous why I'm so kind to Amani more than her.

Literally, I'm talking shit about my ex-BFF.Where stories live. Discover now