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The infamous sister ^ 😏😏

And a tonne of stuff is revealed in this chapter, so enjoy!

2973 words

Her feet stumbled down the dark steps as she was roughly pushed along from behind. Chesca's mind swarmed with the events of the past couple hours—searching desperately for her mate, falling into the merciless hands of Elbert's wolves, the deal she had made with Elbert, then coming face to face with the once familiar and now haunting presence of her sister. Nothing made sense anymore, but it didn't take too many guesses to figure out where they were now taking her.

The coldness of the air increased as they twisted their way further down into the earth, its icy fingers crawling over her skin, the dank and dirty smell of dungeons rising to meet her. But why the dungeons? Elbert had said Kaiden was being taken care of...

Yet it wasn't only the usual disgusting smells of a dungeon that churned her stomach. It was the scent of her mate, stronger than anything else that rose up to meet her, embracing her like a jealous enemy. And not just his natural, warm and calming scent. No, it was the coppery scent of his blood that almost undid her.

Chesca nearly tripped and fell flat on her face when they reached the bottom, but for Stanley's vice like grip on her arms. A pale incandescent bulb hanging from the centre of the roof was the only light, and under it Chesca could see a few cells running parallel on either side of her. Her wolf stirred and was getting more and more agitated. At the far back of the huge underground dungeon, as she was pushed closer, she could see a figure draped in shadows and chained to the wall by his outstretched arms.

"Kaiden!" She gasped, her lungs heaving for air as the crude sight completely emptied them. His entire left side was covered in blood, the rest of his bare chest and arms were smeared with dirt, torn jeans hanging low on his hips. What crushed Chesca was the way his head bent down in utter defeat. At the sound of her voice, it snapped up, his eyes taking a moment to search her out and steady their focus.

Chesca froze at the haunted look in his dark eyes. His hair had been shaved to within a quarter inch of his scalp, a few nasty red lines marked his skin, and such anger and hatred burned in his entire posture.

"What did they do to you?" She tried running forward, but Stanley and his partner held her back.

"Chesca? Wha-what are you doing here?" Kaiden rasped in a weak voice. "Did he capture you too? I swear, I'm going to—"

"Kaiden, don't. I came to get you out. We're going to figure this out. Hey, what are you doing?" she yelled as Stanley slammed her against the opposing wall in Kaiden's cell, and chained one wrist to the ring on the wall while his partner fastened her other on the other side of her. "You promised we could both go!"

Stanley smiled a cruel smile. "Just following my Alpha's orders, sweetheart."

"You sick son of a—" Chesca bit down the curse words that ached to be released. Telling herself she was better than that, she clenched her teeth and growled instead.

Stanley and his man left her, walking out with smug swagger as Chesca hung helplessly in between the locked chains, her feet barely touching the floor.

"Why? Why would you come for me? You said you hated me." Kaiden once more slumped against his chains, but his eyes never left hers.

"I was stupid. I was angry and didn't mean it. You're my mate, Kaiden, and I'd never turn my back on you," she spoke in earnestness, her heart aching to reach out and touch him, kiss him, and wrap him in her arms.

"I'm sorry too, for everything I did. You don't deserve such a worthless dog like me, Chesca," Kaiden whispered. "Just save yourself and get out of here before it's too la—"

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