Oh Tonight, Tonight

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They finished the box, each stack alphabetized, and a silence fell between them. It wasn't uncomfortable, per se, but Arthur felt Emrys wasn't saying something, something he needed to say. What, he wasn't sure, but something.

"Wanna go get that bookshelf, so we have something to put these on?" Arthur asked, eyeing the window outside. The weather was cloudy, predictable for London.

"Sure," Emrys whispered, helping Arthur take each stack to the kitchen table in order so they could put it directly on the shelf. "I'm assuming we're taking your car?"

"Yeah," Arthur nodded, "though, most of the time it ends up being a very expensive paperweight. What with public transit and all."

Emrys nodded, "Okay. Mind if I use the, uh--"

"Down the hall, left side; make sure you use the pump and not the bar, the soap bar is to clean faces only. I'll get my stuff and meet you at the car, just go out the back door, the door locks itself if you twist the notch on the knob."

"Right," Emrys nodded, looking only slightly confused by the sudden slew of instructions, before heading to the loo.

Arthur snatched his wallet and keys, closing the dog in his bedroom with food and water. "Be home soon, boy." He rubbed the dog's head, closing him in.

He started the car with no issue, turning up the station playing Tonight, Tonight by The Smashing Pumpkins. He leaned his head back and relished in the nostalgia. Emrys soon joined him in the car, looking a little more relaxed.

"You can change the station, if you want." Arthur offered, beginning the drive to the nearest budget furniture store.

Emrys shook his head, looking out the window. There was silence for a few songs before Arthur piped up.

"You've gone quiet. Did I do something?" Arthur asked, stopped at a light.

"Not at all. I just..." Emrys paused, his brows furrowing in confusion. "I wonder how you came to realize, I guess, that you felt you knew me somehow. Like, what triggered it?"

"Your eyes," Arthur answered immediately, passing through the turn signal. "Something about them. Kind of like watching a movie you think you've never seen before, but knowing something is about to happen. Does that make sense?"

"I guess," the thin boy responded, tone almost despondent.

"What about you? What triggered yours?" Arthur asked, pulling in the car park of the store. He got out of the car, waiting for an answer.

Emrys stumbled over his words as he tried to keep pace with Arthur's steps in his daze, "Your... stubornness, I guess. You seemed familiar in the face, but that could be anything. You chasing me down though, that seemed... oddly familiar."

"So what should I know about you, Emrys? What do you think is important?" Arthur asked, walking in the shop ahead.

"My name is Emrys Hallewell, I'm..uh..." Emrys paused a moment as an employee welcomed them in, nodding in an awkward fashion that seemed too eager. He spoke again when they were out of earshot, "I'm 23, I am a product tester which is why I work from home, and my parents died when I was young."

"Is that all?"

"Pretty much... I'm not good at embellishing, I guess. What about you?" Emrys asked, no longer bothering to pay attention to the ugly post-modern style furniture surrounding him.

"My name is Arthur Shoemaker--" Emrys interrupted with a uproarious laugh, causing Arthur to heat in the face with the unwanted attention of other customers. "What's so funny?" he hissed.

So we meet again... (a merthur au)Where stories live. Discover now