Chapter 1

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Hey my fellow peeps just wanted to let you k ow this story is completely original and I hope you enjoy it also give me some ideas on what I should do I may not use them so don't get all booty tickled anyways let's get into the story.
Ella's pov
I hate being trapped in this stupid cage with all these stupid leaches running around give me pills in my food and whipping me when I smarted off to them.

I barely ate because it always had sleeping pills or something I was getting skinner than I wanted to be because I was naturally skinny.

The only reason they picked me up is because I'm pretty.

Ella's description
Gold blond hair
Blue eyes
Beautiful (drop dead gorgeous)
She can scold you with just one word
She takes crap from no one

I read over and everything was exactly perfect except for the beautiful part I may be pretty but I'm not drop dead gorgeous.

It was time for the auction.
I step out on to the plat form with all the other girls I'm looking around there's so many leaches I could just rip out all there eyes and throw them in there face of course they wood heal those nasty blood suckers.
I was looking around the room everyone whispering about me and the other girls. By time I looked up I was the only one standing there it was time I got auctioned off to be a blood whore.

When it was time there was a guy with a red part in his hair he raised his hand and said he would pay $350,000 on me, i was sold to him of course he was the highest bidder I heard people saying why would the lord buy a pet he doesn't like them.

"Omg he's the lord" I said to myself
I went down off the stage a literally just stood there by him while he payed for me.
Kadens POV
I got to the auction but I wasn't planning on getting a pet until I saw Ella the girl in my files I didn't think she would be here but she was I swore I would buy her if she was actually there and she was so I did.

She was the most gorgeous thing I have ever seen in all the years I have lived I couldn't believe she was gonna be mine. I wasn't gonna make her a blood slave I would treat her well she would have all the finest things and I needed her to know that so she would trust me, she would have her own room she wouldn't have to wear skimpy clothes like all the other girls she would get to wear sweat pants and baggy t-shirts but she would have to dress up sometimes in skimpy clothes so she didn't get killed by the other vampires because that the law they have to look like hoes if there apparently not pretty she would look gorgeous in anything.

It was time to take her back for my place i was the only one that lived there besides a few maids which made it easy for her to wear pjs and other stuff around the house. I was gonna give her, her own room but I really wanted her to be close to me for some reason, which would happen because when a vampire wanted something they swooped in and grabbed it.

I started up a conversation before things could get awkward.

"I have a few rules you'll need to follow" I said while we were getting out of the car

She just nodded

I waited till we got to my room of course I didn't tell her she had her own room.

"Where will I be sleeping" she asked causing me to freeze her voice it was so so adorable and beautiful

"I....uh... with me" I finally said feeling my body get tense

"Can't you get into trouble" she asked

"No the laws have been changed, plenty people sleep with there pet in more way than one if you know what I mean, a few vampires have even married there pet" I said with a quiet laugh

"Did they have a choice" she asked sounding concerned

"Of course they did" I said back

She walked closer to me laying her hand on my face causing me to flinch till I realized what she was doing she was seeing if she could trust me. Trust me not to hurt her, or abandon her.

" you can trust me" I told her with a smile

She nodded thinking something over

"The only way I'll be sure is if you drink from me, m'lord" she said as she stiffened up a bit

What was this girl insane

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2018 ⏰

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