•First Steps•

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Requested by @The_Lily_Melody

Sam was doing his morning work out routine, as you sat nearby, playing with little blocks. Castiel let you stay over with the brothers, since he had some heavily things to take care of, so Dean and Sam spent all night with you, and all morning. Well, Sam was spending all morning with you. Dean was busy snoozing away, and you were already awake, so Sam decided to let you out of the crib, and let you play with some toys as he did his workout.

"Sam!" You held up a block to Sam, who was currently doing some push ups.
"Yes, (Name), that's a block." He grunted slightly as he continued his workout. You pouted and picked up another block, trying to show him it.
"Saaaaam!" You whined and held up the new block to his face again. Sam sighed and stopped doing his push up.
"Yes, (Name), That is a very cool block, but Sam needs to do his workout before Dean wakes up and bothers Sam all day." He said as gently as he could, not wanting to hurt your feelings. Sam then took his attention off of you, and went back to his morning workout.
"Saaaaaam!" You whined again, throwing the block at him this time. Thankfully it was a soft one, so it didn't hurt at all.

Sam sighed and got up, picking you up and placing you on the couch, nearby. Knowing you couldn't walk yet, he handed you some more blocks and some other toys.
"Stay here, until I finish my workout, Okay? Then we can play." He said as sweetly as possible, before going back to his spot, starting on some crunches. Your little chubby cheeks came to a pout, before thinking up of a little plan. You've seen how big brother Castiel, and Dean and Sam all walked with their legs, while you normally crawled. So maybe, to get Sammy's attention, you need to walk to him!

With this mentality, you gently plopped down from the couch, and shakily, stood up, using the couch as support. It took a few seconds, but your legs got use to the weight of your body, standing upright. Then, you slowly, and shakily, put one foot in front of the other, making really wiggly steps. One step at a time, you made it over to Sam.
"SAAAAM!" You yelled happily, proud of yourself. You waddled over to him, and grabbed onto his shirt, holding on for some much needed balance.
"(Name)?! How did you... oh my god." He realized. "You just walked! You took your first steps!" He instantly scooped you up. "You did it!! You did it!" He happily bounced you in his arms, making you giggle.
"Saaaam!" You cooed and patted his cheeks.
"We have to go show Dean! Let's go show Dean."


"Sammy, it is 7 in the morning, what the hell do you possibly need for me to-"
"(Name) took her first steps, Dean."
"..." Dean paused for a moment. "AND I MISSED IT?!"

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