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I stood up fast as soon as I heard the sound of the doorbell, walking to the front door quickly and surpassing my mother, that was sitting on the armchair close to the TV.

"Bye, Sierra" she said, barely looking up from the book she was reading.

"Bye mum" I said, nervously observing myself in the reflection on the closed window. I'd decided to put on something casual and not wear a dress, not wanting Harry to think I was trying too hard. It wasn't even a date, after all. More like, just two people casually deciding to go out together.

I gave myself one last worried glance before reaching the door and opening it, taking my coat at the same time and sliding out fast, closing it behind myself. I put on my coat and looked up, my breath stopping in my throat in the second my eyes met Harry's. His gaze on me was hot, sharp, almost burning right through me, making me feel as if I was naked in front of him.

"Shall we go?" He said after a few endless seconds, putting his hand on my lower back and directing me towards the dark car that was parked in front of my house. As we reached it he pressed the button on the key, making the lights shine twice and signalling me it was open.

I opened the door and sat down on the passenger seat as he walked around the front of the car to get to the other side. I looked down, side-glancing at him as he opened the door and sat down as well, inserting the key in the ignition, but not turning on the engine.

He turned his head, glancing in the direction of my house, his profile barely enlightened by the few lights on the street. I turned my head towards him, not daring to look up at him in fear of meeting his eyes.

"Thanks for coming with me" he said lowly, the deep sound of his voice easily reaching my ears in the silence of the car.

I pursed my lips, trying to soothe my nervousness from being so close to him. "It's fine."

He hummed, his hand reaching out to push back a strand of my hair, putting his index under my chin to make me look up, my heart skipping a beat when I realised how close we were. He passed the pad of his thumb over my lower lip, making a shiver run down my spine.

"Did you miss me?" He whispered, leaning over the gap between our seats to diminish the distance between us. "Because I know I did" he said, the hot air leaving his lungs with his words and hitting my cheek. He brushed his lips against mine, lightly enough for me to barely feel it, not enough to stop me from desiring more.

I took in a shaky breath, trying to fight the way my eyes were almost forced shut by our closeness.

He let out a breathy laugh, a puff of air brushing against my skin. "I'm not moving until you reply" he said, so low that the sound almost seemed to come out from his chest, his lips grazing mine and making my eyelashes flutter with expectation.

"Yeah" I whispered faintly, and he raised his chin, closing the distance between us.

When he kissed me his soft lips moulded perfectly over mine as if they were just meant to be, the air leaving our throats mixing together and becoming one under the sweet taste of mint and winter nights of his mouth.

Not wanting to break the kiss, I breathed through my nose, his scent intoxicating me and making my deepest concerns surrender to him, leaving me with nothing but a flaming spark in the depths of my chest. My fingers intertwined with his hair, a deep groan leaving his throat and vibrating down his chest as his cold ones traveled down my bare throat. He wrapped his arm around my waist and pushed his chest against mine, a sudden warmth washing through me as our bodies came in contact through the clothes.

After a few sweet, interminable seconds we broke apart, my heart rushing against my chest as I looked at him with wide eyes.

He breathed in, his thumb grazing his lower lip as his eyes burned into mine from where he was sitting. He cleared his throat, sitting up better and turning the key in the ignition, making the car come to life in a deep roar.

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