22 | new year, new me

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"How about Tinder?"

I nearly choked on my drink as I looked up at Clarice on the opposite side of the dining hall table. "I'm sorry?"

She shrugged. "You clearly need a rebound, so why not try online dating?"

"Because she'll end up meeting with a sixty year old man who lures her back to his home and slices her up into pieces before burying her under the bloody floorboards. Don't listen to Clarice, Evie," Megan rolled her eyes, cutting into a sausage and taking a bite.

"I don't need a rebound, now will the pair of you give it a rest?" I hissed. I was now sincerely regretting telling them about the night of the fireworks. It was hard enough having to do it, let alone be reminded about it every six seconds.

I had purposely sat with my back to the teachers table so I didn't have to look at her, but even knowing she was nearby made me want to cry. The past four days I'd made sure I stayed out of her way; it would be too sad to see her. But now, on the first day back of term, I knew avoiding her would be an impossibility, particularly seeing as I had her for second period History.

With a sigh, I poked at my food, my appetite suddenly disappearing.

"Listen, there's a girl in my Maths class, Harriet, and she's always asking me questions about you. She thinks she's being subtle, but it's obvious she's interested in you, so why don't you just speak to her and see how things go? You never know, it might take your mind off Miss Bowen," Clarice said.

"Absolutely not," I responded with fake cheeriness.

"Why?" Clarice whined. "I mean, I'm not at all gay, but even I can see that she's a good looking girl." I shook my head and she rolled her eyes. "You don't have to sleep with her, or even fancy her, but just get to know someone that isn't off limits or like, double your age. Just focus on something other than her, okay?"

"I actually don't think it's a bad idea," Megan chimed in, placing her hand in front of her lips as she swallowed her food. "And I rarely think that Clarice's ideas are of any use, but honestly, it might do you some good to focus on someone else for a little while. And she's right, you don't even have to like her, but just give it a shot. What have you got to lose?"

"My patience, my sanity, my temper?"

Clarice grinned. "You see, that's the spirit. We've only been talking about fresh meat for one minute and you're already getting back to your sarky, bitchy self. I've kind of missed it, you know. It's gets a little boring seeing you mope around."

Megan elbowed her in the ribs, causing her to cry out over-dramatically in pain.

"Promise me you won't ever use the phrase 'fresh meat' again," I replied, shuddering in disgust.

Clarice grinned. "Oh well I'm sorry. How am I meant to know the lesbian lingo?"

"Oh my lord," Megan muttered with a shake of her head. "How have you made it this far in life without being punched in the face?"

"That is a very fair question," I added and Clarice grinned.

"All part of my natural charm and allure, ladies," she gave an over-exaggerated wink, to which Megan and I sighed loudly. "Regardless, stop changing the subject. I'll speak to Harriet and tell her that you want to get to know her, alright?"

"No you absolutely will not," I snapped.

She stood up from the bench with a wicked grin. "See you."

"Clarice!" I hissed as she walked away. "One day I will strangle that girl to death."

"I'll help," Megan reassured, setting down her cutlery as she bell rang. "I'll see you later, okay? Don't stress about second period, just be polite around her. Don't make things weird."

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