Chapter Seven

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I waited for her response. I wanted to know. I needed to know.

Would she leave too?

The things Carmen said were still hanging in my head. A familiar frustration formed in my chest, intensified with every passing second that she kept silent.

In that exact moment I was in a place where I was questioning everything. I was close to discarding everything including any emotions I had towards her and right on the verge of categorizing them as ridiculous and absurd. As hard as I searched inside me I couldn't put my finger on one thing that would pull me out of this wreckage of self-loathing state. And right now, I didn't care if I made a whole deal out of a thought in my head or some hypothetical scene she just made up. I wanted my answer.

Skye placed a gentle hand on my head and all my nerves accumulated in response. Her touch was soothing, affectionate and clement. It washed over me softer than the rain drops that rolled down my skin. Every thought I had was shushed into silence leaving nothing but a quiet peace.

When she spoke, her voice reached me as soft as her touch, I could feel her face close to mine like she was looking inside my soul.

"I will stay next to you until you wake up."

My heart stuttered in my chest.

"Even if it took weeks?" I asked right away, still searching for something to hate. Still doubting how far she would go. Trying to prove to myself that she wasn't different from everyone else.

"For as long as it takes," she said sincerely, and no hesitation in her voice.

My demons were seized. Only then, I stood and let her guide me to her car.

"Do you want me to drive you home?" she asked after she got in too.

I shook my head. I didn't feel like going to an empty house.

"How about my house then?"

I shrugged.

"Is Hank coming?" she asked.

I shook my head, "No. He got caught up in the rain. I told him I will catch a ride."

"Do you want to call him?"

"He's on his way to the hospital."

Her hand gripped mine, "Why? What happened?"

"Grandpa had a heart attack this afternoon," the words felt heavy in my mouth and tasted like salt.

She gasped, "Oh my god! Will he be alright?"

I shook my head again, "We don't know yet. Hank didn't sound optimistic when he told me," and then I blasted, "I... I don't understand... I mean he doesn't drink or smoke, he exercises regularly and follows a healthy diet. There isn't a seventy-something year old I know of who follows a healthy life style like him. All green and organic."

Skye's griped my hand with both hers', "I'm really sorry, Ethan. Sometimes... things just happen. I'm sure he'll be fine," her voice nothing but sympathy and hope.

I hoped too.

There was a moment of silence between us filled with nothing but loud thuds of raindrops and the whistles of wind whipping outside. Her hand soft and comforting on mine.

"Do you want me to drive you to the hospital?" Skye asked.

I shook my head right away. There was no need to burden others with me right now.

"So, how about my house?" She offered again.

I shrugged. Even if she dropped me in the middle of the road I wouldn't care right now.

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