Chapter 10

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[Third Person-POV]

The bullhead landed and the RWBY and AFBS team came out of the bullhead, everyone who was there began to applaud when seeing Alan dragging (Y/N) from the neck of his gi, Alan began to greet everyone

(Y/N):Take advantage of all this Alan, when everyone knows that you are the main people who started all this ...

Alan took (Y/N) to a room with a strange machine in the middle, Ozpin and Ironwood appeared

Ironwood:All right,I need you to take (Y/N) to that machine


Alan put (Y/N) on the machine, Ironwood turned on the machine and indicated how (Y/N)'s level of ki started to go down

Ozpin:It seems that everything is working well

Ironwood:Make him wake up Alan

Alan:Will be a pleasure

Alan hit (Y/N) in the face,he pretended that he had woken up and did not know where he was

Ironwood:You are in Atlas, the last kingdom that is still standing

(Y/N):Of course,I forgot to destroy this place, it's good that you were so kind and brought me here

Ozpin:I am sorry for destroying your dreams but it is not possible, we take away all your power, you will pay for all the damage you caused

(Y/N):And maybe it will be as before, all of you humiliating me for what reason ... for nothing, you are the guilty of all this 

Brad:Leave those stupid thing of yours, you just had envy of us

(Y/N):God, this is like talking to a Beowolfs, not wait until they are smarter than you

Brad:Piece of shit!!

Brad punched (Y/N)

(Y/N):HeHe even a little girl would hit harder than you

Brad raised his fist again to hit (Y/N) but was stopped by Weiss

Weiss:Do not do it, he just wants to provoke you

(Y/N):Up the hands!! The Slut Scheene just talked!!

Weiss was about to take out her weapon but Ozpin told them to leave the room, everyone left leaving (Y/N) alone

(Y/N):Everything is going so well

(Y/N) suddenly heard the voice of Zamasu in his head

Zamasu:We're already close,do you want us to attack now?

(Y/N):Wait a few more minutes, I want to have a little more fun with these foolish mortals


(Y/N) stopped listening to Zamasu's voice,Suddenly,he heard how the people were praising the ABFS team for their great feat

(Y/N):I was right, the people of Remnant are very stupid, I would like to hear their screams of pain

In that Ironwood entered the room,he had an arrogant smile on his face

Ironwood:You hear that, it's the people shouting to see how you suffer, how you made them suffer

(Y/N):And maybe it does not matter how many times you all made me suffer

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