author's note

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Welcome back! I'm delighted to have you. If you're here that means you've read When Mary Met Halley and must not have thought it terrible or you wouldn't have come back for more, so hooray, and thank you for reading. I have had many requests for a sequel (thank you so much, by the way, such incentive) and hopefully they were sincere because here we are.

(If you haven't read When Mary Met Halley, go check that out first because this won't make a lot of sense otherwise; I'm not doing a bunch of reintroductions and such so it will be confusing. Plus, WMMH is a gem, chances are you'll love it. See you soon.)

Oh and for those who have expressed concern, I solemnly swear they'll get a happy ending.

Please kindly point out typos or if something doesn't make sense. And comment, don't hold back. Enjoy!

warnings: some drinking, much less/very little smoking, some drugs/references, some domestic violence without details, child abuse references with no details.

This book is copyrighted ©2018 Lynn Sabrina :)

Thank you to Tay @Solacing for the beautiful cover she made for the original, of which I changed the wording to use for this!

To those few people who need to hear it: Rude/racist/homophobic/otherwise contentious comments directed at me, the book, or other readers will be deleted, the comment and account reported if necessary, and/or the person muted. 😊 PLEASE BE KIND OR AT LEAST CIVIL TO EACH OTHER. Whether commenting or responding to another reader's comments, please ask yourself if your comment is antagonizing or argumentative before posting it. If it's better left as a "thought bubble", go with that.

Keep in mind characters in books are not perfect, and the characters experiencing growth is part of the book itself; as such, please do not trash my characters. If you absolutely feel the need to comment why you disagree with something a character does/says/etc, go ahead and send it through the politeness filter first, thanks.

If you're looking for the smut chapters I took out of this, they're in their own book on my profile (link in comment -------->).

Mary and Halley (sequel to When Mary Met Halley)Where stories live. Discover now