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The next day was Thursday and the kids slept in, so we didn't get them up for school. By ten they were playing out front on their new swing set and little playground, and Halley and I were drinking coffee. The sun was out and it was already in the seventies. Leif and Paramjeet were still asleep.

The lovely morning was dampened considerably as Caleb's car came into view. "Balls," I said, making a face. 

"No thanks," my girlfriend quipped, side-eyeing me playfully. 

"They are pretty creepy," I agreed. "All wrinkly and hairy and sweaty. Gross."

She snorted. "I don't miss them," she admitted, and we were both giggling when he parked in front of his family's house with the windows down. 

"Uncle Caleb Uncle Caleb!" Shiloh shrieked, running toward him as he stepped from the car. 

"Hey, Shi," he said, picking her up and swinging her around as he always did. It hurt my heart a little. In another life it would have been us raising the kids together. 

But luckily that wasn't the life I wanted, and Halley was a million times better with them than he ever could have been, so that was a bonus.

"Who's that?" my niece asked, looking into the car, which made us take notice. Jasper continued to push the baby in the swing, watching his sister. The year of Caleb's absence had mostly broken his connection with the boy, and there had been no reason for them to spend time together since his return. 

Hank, of course, hadn't known Caleb at all, having been born while Caleb was away cheating on me with my future wife.

"That's Courtney," he said in a falsely light voice, glancing at us for our reaction, trying not to let it show. He still had a lot of trouble seeing us together, which only egged us on, to be honest. His attitude toward us was salty at best, though we could all play nice around the kids. 

Halley elbowed me and I returned it. "She can get out," she called flippantly. "She doesn't have to hide in the car." The disdain in her tone was slight but I picked up on it and he had to have, if he knew her at all.

The door opened and what's-her-face got out, wearing high heels and a long, fitted skirt. "No one's hiding," she said casually, but her chin was up. 

"Shit," I said under my breath, knowing Halley wouldn't take it the wrong way. 

"I know, right?" she murmured. 

For Courtney was model gorgeous, with the kind of almost-heavy makeup that was movie-star-perfect. Leif had definitely been right about her boobs, though they looked too big on her otherwise skinny frame. And though I knew nothing about clothing, even I could see she had money. 

"What's she doing with Caleb?" she whispered, and we both started laughing again. I knew it looked like we were laughing at her, and it was bitchy of us, but I couldn't help it. 

She shot us a dirty look and then her attention was on Shiloh, who was now in front of her. "Hi, I'm Shiloh. I live here," the child said, pointing at our house. "It's nice to meet you."

Courtney just managed not to wrinkle her noise at outstretched little hand, which wasn't exactly spotless after playing outside. "Charmed," she said, with a tight smile. She touched the ends of her fingers to Shiloh's for a second and then pulled back quickly, rummaging in her purse until she found a travel pack of wipes. She yanked one out and scrubbed both hands. 

"Shiloh," I called, feeling protective. "Let Uncle Caleb and his company go see his mom, please." She ran back to the slide.

"She's going to be fun," Halley observed quietly, bristling.

Mary and Halley (sequel to When Mary Met Halley)Where stories live. Discover now