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Bravo team landed back on base, which means I finally get to see what team I am on. I saw Jason Hayes walk into the main building, towards where the other team leaders were waiting. All of green team were near each other, about fifty feet from the conference room being used. This was our future.

Not even five minutes later, the door opened and people started filing out. I tried to casually walk by the team leaders but Jason stopped me.

"Eight o'clock tomorrow morning."

I stood, dumbfounded for a second, "Your team?"

All he did was smile and walk away. Holy shit. HOLY SHIT. This is what I have been waiting for for so long! I DID IT!

I quickly pulled out my phone and called the one person on my mind.

"Hello, again, beaut-"


"What?! Are you serious?"


"That's great, Alexis!" I could tell he was excited for me but I could also tell there was some other emotion as well.

"We are definitely celebrating."

"Okay, but first, we need to go to the store."

"What? Why?"

"Do you have beer just laying around in your apartment? Because if you want to be on everyone's best side, we need beer."

Two hours later, Brock and I were back at my apartment, with four cases of beer. "I hope you have room in your fridge cause they're gonna want them cold."

"You know, the funny thing about all of this is Jason didn't say a single thing to me about bringing beer."

He looked at me and smirked, like he knew a secret I didn't. "Exactly. This is a test. You're lucky I let you in on this secret. Especially because he didn't ask." I let his words sink in as I cleared up space in the fridge.

"So we don't speak of this moment then?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about," Brock smiled and it caused me to laugh.

"Yeah okay sure. Help me put these cases in."

So he did. Infact, he didn't let me touch a single one. "I could have done that," I rolled my eyes at him.

"Well obviously I know that. But if I'm here, why should you?" I quickly turned around, trying to hide the blush that crept up from the base of my neck to the hairs on my head. It was just a simple response to a sarcastic remark by me, yet it made me realize something. He actually cares. Even if we hadn't known eachother long, he still cares. There's no better feeling in the world than having someone care about you so deeply they go out of their way to make sure you're never in an inconvenient spot.

"Ha ha," I played it off as a joke, knowing that he was serious. He just smiled and didn't say a word.

I sat on the couch in the far left corner and he sat in the far right corner. We were about five feet apart. I turned on the TV, quickly deciding I wanted to watch a movie. I ran to the cabinet next too the TV and pulled it open, revealing an assortment of DVD's. I heard a gasp and heard footsteps behind me.

"It's like movie heaven," Brock whispers, his breath right on the back of my neck. I felt a shiver go down my spine as he spoke again, "what should we watch? A Disney movie? A horror movie? Is that Fifty Shades of Grey? Alexis?!" I was beet red when he asked the question. I could feel how hot my whole body was.

"Uh, that's uh not mine. Its uh Kayla's! Yeah, she's uh, really into that kinda thing." I lied, knowing damn well it was my DVD. But he could not know that. That would open up a whole new door of problems.

"Wow. Wanna watch it?" He joked, and I swear I almost choked on my spit. "I'm joking! Im joking jeeze!" Honestly, I'd be down. But it's too early for all that. We've known eachother for like a week.

"How about you pick one, I pick one and then we can come back and pick another two after we've had some drinks. It's a celebration."

"Sounds like a plan to me. So I pick this one." He held up Final Destination 3.

"Ooh, not a bad choice," I said, searching through the movies before finding the perfect one. I pulled out The Notebook and smirked.

"Oh please no. Anything but that."

"Have you even seen this movie, Curly?"

"No, Brown eyes I haven't. I dont plan to either."

"Too bad. We're watching this one first."

He groaned but I put the movie in the DVD player. It's a great movie, I don't care what anyone has to say. "Your life will be changed after watching this movie, I'm telling you." He just shook his head.

"That was so sad! She doesn't remember him! She doesn't remember anything! But she loves hearing the stories about their own love! That's not fair to him!" Brock was visibly upset by the end of the movie.

"What did I tell you?! I told you its a good movie!"

He just smiled at me and got up, I'm assuming to put in the next movie. But he walked into the kitchen and came out with whiskey. "Where the hell did you get whiskey?"

"Sh, I brought it for this special occasion. You're on Bravo Team, Alexis. That's great news." He poured two shots of whiskey.

He slid one to me and picked his up, sitting on the couch next to me again. I picked mine up and turned to him, clinking our shot glasses together before downing the drink.

My eyes squeezed shut and the burning in the back of my throat, but I smiled and looked at Brock again.

"Congratulations," he said while pouring us another round.

"Thank you. Well, at least there's a bright side. There's a special guy I can't wait to work with," I saw him smirk.

"Oh, is that so?"

"Oh yes. Cerberus is just so cute, I can't wait!" I joked and I saw his face drop into a frown, making me laugh loudly. I shook my head and raised my glass. He did the same, and as soon as the glasses touched, we downed the shots again.

We were smiling at each other and I just got lost in his eyes. They were beautiful. Before either of us knew what was going on, we started to move closer to each other.

And God, did I want to kiss him so bad. But my thoughts got the best of me, and when we were about three inches from kissing, I slowly pulled back. It was too soon. I knew it was.

"I'm sorry, I just-"

"Don't worry about it, Alexis. I'm not ever going to make you feel uncomfortable. If you want to wait, I'll wait. Just know that I am going to be here," He smiled.

That just made me want to kiss him more. Before I got the chance, he stood up. "I should probably get going. It's getting late."

"Uh, yeah probably. I'll uh, see you tomorrow?"

He nodded, "Yeah, for sure. Goodnight." He reached down and rubbed Bear behind the ears. "Goodnight Bear. You look after your mom tonight, buddy." He licked Brock's hand.

With that, he stood completely and sent me a dashing smile, walking towards the door. I walked behind him and when he got outside, he turned to me one more time.

"Like I said, I'll be here. Goodnight," he brought me into a hug and I wrapped my arms around him.

"Goodnight, Curly." I gave him a peck on the cheek and he smiled, before walking to his truck. As he drove away, I whispered to myself, "I promise I won't keep you waiting long."

Just a short little chapter cause it's been two days since I've updated. Sorry about that😐

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2018 ⏰

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