The unbreakable vow

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Narcissa spoke.

"Will you, severus, watch over my son Draco as he attempts to fulfil the dark lords wishes?"

"I will," said snape.

A thin tongue of brilliant flame issued from the wand and wound its way around their hands like a red hot wire.

"And will you, to the best of your ability, protect him from harm?"

"I will," said Snape.

A second tongue of flame shot from the wand and interlinked with the first, making a fine, glowing chain.

"And, should it prove necessary ... If it seems draco will fail ..." Whispered Narcissa, "will you carry out the deed that the dark lord has ordered Draco to perform?"

There was a moment's silence. Bellatrix watched, her wand upon their clasped hands, her eyes wide.

"I will," said Snape.

Bellatrix's astounded face glowed red in the blaze of a third tongue of flame, which shot from the wand, twisted with the others and bound itself thickly around their clasped hands, like a rope, like a fiery snake.

Later in dumbledore's office...

"I made the unbreakable vow to Narcissa to help Draco with his mission," Snape informed Dumbledore, "but I luckily I know a secret way around it."

"You do?" Dumbledore replied, surprise etched on his face, "I thought the unbreakable vow was foolproof!"

"Not really," Snape said, "its pretty obvious really; I crossed my fingers!

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