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"Merry Christmas!" Diana said as she raised her glass in front of her.

Everyone else did the same. It was the first party she had held. And it wasn't that bad of a turnout.

There were about twenty people, which was like one-fifth the number that would be in Karter's party, but knowing Diana she had probably uninvited more than half of them. a feast had been laid out across the hall. 

"Enjoy." she said last, before getting down the stage. she placed her wineglass, untouched on a table.

"I don't drink." she replied when he raised an eyebrow. "Good so far?"

The party was actually great. But it felt empty cause it was missing something.  Or someone.

Karter had always been at every party Alex had been to once he joined the mafia.

"Great." He replied.

She smiled knowingly. "He's coming." Was all she said before she walked away.

Alex shook his head. The woman knew exactly what he was thinking all the time.

She walked towards Sebastian who immediately pulled her into a kiss. Once they broke away, she looked flustered.

Alex smiled. They were perfect together. Sebastian would do anything to protect her. Not like she would need it, but he would. And that's exactly the kind of guy she needs, considering the amount of trouble that keeps following her around.

"She's still alive, so I guess I gotta thank you." A familiar voice spoke beside him.

Alex pulled Karter into a hug and did their handshake.

"Of course she is. It's Diana." Alex replied. "Plus you really want to thank someone, you should thank Andrew, Sebastian's right-hand man. He's been her punching bag for the past few months."

Karter chuckled.

"Hey! The guy doesn't give up I'll give him that. He keeps saying he will defeat her." Alex said.

About a month after Karter had left and Diana had taken over, Diana had brought in Andrew and Brianna from The Katana to surprise Sebastian. They decided to stay there after that.

"They don't look too bad together huh?" Karter asked looking at Diana and Sebastian dance in the middle of the floor.

"They are great." He replied.

"So. Is there going to be a Mrs Alex?" Karter asked nudging him with his elbow.

Alex shook his head. "Not yet." He had been super busy helping Diana out with the mafia, he didn't have much time left to himself. And he didn't mind that much.

"What about you and Emeraude?" Alex asked. "Where's my sister?"

"She went to get a drink." He replied. "We have some news that I want to tell you before I tell everyone else."

Alex raised an eyebrow.

"Let's wait for Em." Alex nodded.

The song finished and Diana and Sebastian ended the dance by him dipping her.

They walked towards a table say for six and sat down. Diana saw Karter and waved him towards her. They sat down on the table and Em joined them.

"So, what's the big news?" Alex asked his sister.

Em turned tomato red and giggled looking at Diana, who giggled right back. Clearly, the girls already talked about it.

"So?" Alex asked again.

Instead of replying Em removed her glove and showed a beautiful, big diamond ring.

Alex was grinning on the inside. But on the outside...

"My best friend and my sister?!" He exclaimed with a disgusted face.

Karter smiled and put his hand around Em.

"We're not fucking around. I truly love her." He replied still looking at Alex.

Alex immediately changed his tone.

"My best friend and my sister!" He said with a happier tone.

Diana was laughing so hard she had tears in her eyes.

"There's more," Em said. "That even you don't know." She pointed towards Diana.

She raised her glass. "This doesn't contain alcohol."

No one replied for a few seconds.

"Wait," Diana said.

"Does that mean." Sebastian started.

"Holy shit," Diana said.

"Wow." Sebastian said.

Alex couldn't take it anymore.

"YOU'RE PREGNANT?" He yelled.

Em nodded.

Alex jumped out of his chair.

"Yesssss. I'm going to be an uncle!" He said.

Em smiled. "We decided not to find out the gender. I'm three weeks pregnant. And we are having the wedding in a month."

"Well done brother," Diana said. "You found your significant other half. Well in your case, your not-so-stupid significant other half."

Karter glared at her.

Alex missed this so much. The last time they had all met was over a year ago at caliope's funeral.

So much had changed.

"I'm going to get a drink. Anyone else want one?" He asked getting up.

"I'll have a mojito." Diana replied.

He nodded at her and headed to the bar.

"Two mojitos. One virgin and one not." He told the bartender.

"You here with someone?" A voice asked beside him.

"Hey!" He replied. "You're the one who bandaged me up, a year back right?"

"Yeah. I'm Lara." She said holding her hand out for a handshake.

"Alexander," Alex replied shaking her hand.

"Your drinks." The bartender told him as he pushed the drinks in front of him.

"Well, I got to go give this." Alex told Lara.

But just as he was going to take the glasses, Diana pulled it away from him.

"Why don't I take that and you take this lovely lady for a dance?" She asked pointing to the direction of the dance floor with her head.

Alex smiled at her. "Would you like a dance?" He asked Lara holding out his hand.

"Yes. That would be lovely." She replied placing her hand on his.

As he was taking her to the dance floor, he looked over at Diana who winked at him.

Alex smiled and shook his head. Diana sure got her wingmaning skills from Karter.

And as he swayed slowly with Lara. He knew that this would be the family he would sacrifice his life for any day.

 He knew that this would be the family he would sacrifice his life for any day

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Lots of love.

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