43| Revealing & Reliving

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She was sleeping on the bed like a novel, that is yet to be read

And he sat on the floor reading her, moving his fingers through her hair and staring at her face like, she was magic that no one ever understood

And he sat on the floor reading her, moving his fingers through her hair and staring at her face like, she was magic that no one ever understood❞

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Not wanting to scan words like a robot, I closed the book after flipping through some random pages. It felt as if those phrases, text lost their meaning, and failed to intrigued me in a way they used to do before.

My phone which for a long time buzzed with messages from my friends, was now silent and motionless, just like me.

Restless, I let out a sigh and simply stayed there, staring blankly at the empty wall.

I wanted to see her, make sure if she was okay. Praying that she wasn't being too hard on herself, she tended to do that a lot. But I couldn't. As much as I wanted to, I thought it would be best just to leave her alone for a while.

We cannot force someone to do something they don't want to do.

I rubbed my temples lazily, getting up from the couch. Putting the blue covered book back in its place, in the bookshelf, I decided to make myself a nice cup of Tea.

My Apartment was mostly vacant, maybe because of lack of belongings and decoration and had just enough furnishing for me. It was not like home, but still comfy and adequate to give a homely feeling.

Humming a soft melancholic melody, I was about to put the kettle on the burner, when suddenly my doorbell rang.

Furrowing my eyebrows, I stopped midway thinking who it could be, it was a little too late at night, when it rang again, announcing a visitor's impatience.

Exhaling, I put the kettle down and wiped my hand with my old worn out Shirt, sauntered towards the door.

Flickering the switch, I turned on the light to dim out the darkness, then to unlock the door.

And that's when I saw her right there on my doorsteps, struggling to stand still and straight.

For a second my breath hitched as I looked her over. Her hair was a mess, faintest evidence of tears laced with mascara imprinted on her cheeks. Her eyes were like a raging ocean, the waves thrashing around helplessly.

"Snow?" Her name barely left my mouth, when she tumbled in.

Stepping forward I caught her, wrapping my arms around her body and held tightly. She felt so weak in my arms yet so bravely strong.

"Hey, it's me. I thought you'd never call me that again" She muttered incoherently, before pulling away. The strong smell of alcohol was crystal clear in her breath and dress too reeked of it.

She blinked once or twice and looked around with a dizzy look, then suddenly she let out pearls of musical giggle.

Noticing her strange demeanor, I asked her out of curiosity "Are you not sober?" even though, deep down, I already knew the answer.

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