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The last thing that Calliope did before returning to Fred was check on her grandfather. He was not faring well, as Calliope found him sat in the living room of their house staring with unseeing eyes off into the distance.

It broke her heart to see Elphias like this, and it broke it, even more, to know that it was entirely her fault.

She began to feel uneasy from being away from Fred for so long, so after she ensured that Elphias was physically okay (there was little that she could do about his emotional state), she quickly returned to Fred's side.

He was sat back on his sofa, with his eyes closed and his head in his hands.

"Fred?" Calliope asked the moment that she got her bearings.

"Callie?" Fred looked up quickly.

"They're okay," Calliope told him, "all of them are okay."

Fred sighed, "thank Merlin."

"Fred, you have to trust that I'm telling you the truth, I have no reason to lie so why would I?" Calliope asked.

"I know, I know, I'm sorry!" Fred replied, he placed his head in his hands and let out a sigh of relief, "I'm so glad that they're all safe."

"Me too," Calliope sat down next to him, only to spring back up when the door opened and Voldemort walked in.

"So Messanger, what does the banshee have in store for Harry Potter and I," Voldemort demanded.

"She doesn't know," Fred said again, crossing his arms stubbornly.

Voldemort cocked his head and once again had that scheming expression that Calliope hated to see on her own face.

"For once Messanger, I actually believe you," Voldemort replied in a cool voice.


The months continued to march on, and Voldemort did not spend all that much time at the house which he kept Calliope and Fred in, instead, he left the house heavily jinxed and Peter Pettigrew as their jailor. Calliope thoroughly explored the house, although Fred was getting very stir crazy as he was unable to leave the room that they had first been placed in.

Voldemort returned several times in order to ask Fred what Calliope saw for him, but the answer remained the same. She did not know.

Voldemort continued to plan his renewal to his own body, which included Harry Potter, a graveyard, Pettigrew cutting off his hand and Voldemort leaving Calliope's body. He also continued to praise the utmost loyalty of his servant at Hogwarts, who Calliope now new to be Barty Crouch Jr, a Death Eater who had escaped Azkaban with the help of his father Barty Crouch, a high up ministry official, who was in disguise as Mad-Eye Moody through the use of Polyjuice Potion.

Calliope couldn't do anything, she couldn't notify anyone at Hogwarts about Voldemort's plans for the Third Task of the Triwizard Tournament, she couldn't tell anyone about Barty Crouch Jr and worst of all she couldn't tell anyone that Lord Voldemort himself had a plan to regain his own body. The one person who she could tell- Fred- was unable to tell anyone else, as he was unable to leave the small room that he had been confined to.

So the pair of them were stuck. Stuck watching Voldemort's rise to power, as the rest of the wizarding world remained ignorant.

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