The omega I want

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Yoongi's pov

I was silently sleeping still thinking about that dream I had. How can an omega do that? And what the fuck was wrong with me? I get that some omegas hate Alphas but that omega sounded like he hated me and he doesn't even know me.... Right?

My fucking wolf is no help at all. "Correction, I am helping... You need to get laid and I don't know about you but I WANT that omega". Soul says and I smiled to myself. So do I Soul.... So do I. I'm still asleep... Until I smell another wolf in my room. Great, I hate waking up to a smell that isn't my own or food. I turn to the other side of the bed just to see...

 I turn to the other side of the bed just to see

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"Hey, you awake bro?". Jungkook said and I groaned. "Damn it Jungkook, let me sleep". I put the covers over my head and tried to continue my slumber. "The fuck?". Jungkook curses under his breath. "Come on bro it's three in the afternoon and I've been watching you sleep since one and I'm bored and hungry". Jungkook said. 'I'm not even going ask why'.

"Kook, you're fucking twenty one years old please act like it". I said. "Fucker not mentally, I'm five, a very STRONG five now get your ass up bro". Jungkook said then he skipped out of my room. "I'ma kill him". Soul groaned. "Same". I said laughing.

"Jungkook... Why am I here?". I asked while looking at the a house in front of us. I know he's going kill whoever lives here but why did he bring me? Jungkook saw the confusion on my face and giggles. "Cause Namjoon is a useless piece of shit". My brother coldly states.

"How?". I look at him. "Because my lovely brother, Hisung had another family hidden and I found them". Jungkook jumps and puts a fist in the air. "I wonder why Namjoon didn't tell me?". I wondered. Surely, he knew about this man inside and out so I highly doubt that Joon missed this family.

"Traitor". I heard Jungkook cough out. I turned to him with a dark expression on my face. "Joon is NOT a traitor understood?". I growled. I trust Joon with my life. I would not let anyone bad talk him not even Jungkook. "Whatever". Jungkook rolled his eyes and enter the house with a loud I'M HOME and gunshots. I shook my head and called Young. "Yes master?". Young says. "Come pick us up".

Jungkook had a attitude and was silent the entire time. Not because of the talk we had about Namjoon but because there was someone missing in the house. Hisung oldest son, Wonji. "Kook". I said nothing else, instead I handed him a banana milk.

Jungkook snatched it out of my hands so fast I thought he broke it. "Thanks bro". Jungkook grinned with his bunny teeth and I nodded towards him. Young stopped in front of a little café and Kook being the bunny that he is literally hop out the car.

"Young go with him I have to call Joon". I said. "Of course master". Young was going into the shop till I stopped him. "And he's pays for his own stuff". I said and Young chuckled and enters the café. I took out my phone and call Joon. "Afternoon boss". "Joon why didn't you tell me that bastard had another family?". I asked. "Ahh so Jungkook found them already".

I blinked while looking at my phone. "Of course he did, he's smart". I replied. "So am I". Joon starts to laugh. "Joon...". I growled. "Boss relax I found them before I found Hisung, I let Kook found them by himself". Namjoon said. "Yeah and now his son is miss...". I was cut off. "Who Wonji? Boss I took him and boy does he have some secrets on his dad". Namjoon and I started to laugh.

"Why did you let my brother find them? You could have kill them yourself". I said and Namjoon went silent. "Boss you know that Jungkook doesn't like me right?". I stay silent. "I know". I mummer quietly. "So I wanted him to feel like he did something that I didn't, I don't know why he hates me so much he's like a brother to me since... You know.". Namjoon says quietly. "I know". I said. Namjoon lost his entire family to humans and his little brother Sihyung was only six at the time.

"Thanks Joon". I even surprised myself when I said that. I don't say thanks or sorry to anyone. "The fuck? Who are you? I will fucking kill you and your pack I will have your wife and daughter ra...". "Joon it's me relax damn". I said. "Are you high? Cause you just said thanks". Namjoon said"I'm fine... I think". I said.

"Sure... Anyway I got to go my girls are waiting for me". I cringed to myself and hang up. Just to look across the street and sitting there was this beautiful angelic creature that was eating something chocolate cause it was all over his lips. Those plump, juicy pink lips. 


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Mine. Me and my wolf said at the same time. To hell with that crazy omega that was in my dream. I WANT HIM! And I will fucking have him.

Omega's love (Yoonmin) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now