4- Je Suis Vraiment Désolée

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I managed to find my way around the arena to get to Bercy Park where I sat on a bench not too far away from where some Armies were.

They were all sitting on the floor in little groups talking and laughing amongst each other. Most of them proudly wore BTS t-shirts, jackets, and sweaters, or showed off all their BT21 merch (my favorite being a Chimmy hoodie I saw one girl wear, totally unbiased preference by the way).

Some people walking around in the park looked at this long line of people on the floor in confusion, the most curious ones stopping to ask questions. I was happy to see all the fans answer with big smiles that they were attending a BTS concert, though I can't say I understood much else of what was said.

I particularly loved seeing how they would all try to sing along to our lyrics whenever a group with a speaker nearby played our songs, some even bravely attempting the choreographies. I'll never get over how invested they are in the music that we produce, how they remember lyrics in a language completely foreign to them, how they take the time to learn entire choreographies, and are so open to this musical world that's nothing like the one they're used to all because the cultural barrier others see isn't a barrier for them at all.

I had before me a crowd filled with people of different genders, ethnicities, ages, backgrounds... All coming together and getting along despite their differences because they all feel identified and represented in the struggles and issues that we describe, because they all connect with the messages of love, tolerance and acceptance that we try to spread.

Satisfied, I got up and-

« Oh ! Pardon ! »

-and accidentally bumped into someone. Great, of course I f*ckin' did!

The collision made my sunglasses fall off. Eyes now exposed and vulnerable, I observed as the glasses landed between the both of us. I was too panicked to move, my eyeballs glued to the shades on the floor. I didn't dare look up, I couldn't risk it. What if they recognized me? Sh*t, this was such a stupid idea!

The stranger knelt down, kindly picking up the pair for me. At least they were nice.

« Je suis vraiment désolée, je ne regardais pas où j'allais, tenez vos lunettes, » they said in a rush, getting back up.

Not wanting to seem suspicious, I unwillingly lifted my gaze to meet theirs... It was Chimmy hoodie girl!

I have no idea what she said to me but her tone sounded regretful so I'm just going to assume she apologized. I wish I could have replied to her.

Once she was actually able to establish eye contact, the initial shock of the encounter gone, she stared at me intently, eyes narrowed and eyebrows scrunched together, the mechanics of her brain seemingly on heavy rotation trying to solve a puzzle with pieces she was failing to put together.

Had she recognized me by only looking at my eyes? Did she know Park Jimin was the one standing right in front of her? Or maybe she just thought I was weird, I am the only person here with their face completely covered, I probably seemed like a creepy stalker sitting there staring at Army. Or perhaps the fact that my identity is hidden is an even bigger indicator of who I really am... Man, I really didn't think this plan through, did I?

I didn't give either one of us the time to ask ourselves any more questions as I quickly grabbed the sunglasses she had been handing me, muttered a small « merci », and ran off as fast as I could, not looking back, hoping she or anyone else hadn't caught on and followed me back to the arena.

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