Chapter 16

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It had been six weeks since word of their engagement had gotten out. She had shared the truth with Faye and Chloe, and they both thought she was crazy, but they supported her decision even going so far as to invite Ben to a few of their dinners out after work. He had been introduced to Dr. DeGraff and the two men hit it off immediately. It turned out that Ben had been a foreign news correspondent prior to writing his first novel, and he and Dr. DeGraff had a lot in common since they had both travelled to many of the same places.

Chance had returned to the hospital, and River had moved to a different floor and was working nights. Lia had only seen Chance in passing and he had only given her nasty looks while doing his best to avoid her. It was such a small town that what had happened at the wedding was bound to reach the ears of those they worked with at the hospital. Lia was often greeted with, 'Don't piss her off, she'll get her dog to piss all over you'. It was funny at first and she had played along, but now it was old news and she wished it would stop.

Lia took a seat on the bench in the square outside of Ben's house. It was early fall and still hot, but things were beginning to quiet down for the city as all the summer tourists departed. Lia enjoyed her and Huck's walks more since there were fewer people to avoid.

Huck jumped up next to her, spinning in circles before settling down.

Lia reached over and pet his head as she let the noise of the last of the summer cicadas sooth her. Since the engagement not much in her world had changed. Everyone still treated her the same, and she and Ben had a status quo. They would go out occasionally in order to be seen in public, and he sometimes took walks with her, but for the most part, he was busy working on his novel. He hadn't moved in with her yet, but he used her apartment during the day while the workmen were at his house then he would retreat back there before she got home every night, and on the days she had off, he would do his best to work at his house. It was almost as if he was avoiding her.

Ben was going up to New York to see his agent and publisher the following day, and she was going to spend the night at his house, so she could start going through the attic and basement. He had seemed worried about her being there by herself at first, but she assured him that she would have Huck, and it was not really any different then her staying at her own place which was right across the street. She supposed she could go home to sleep, but she wanted to get as much done as she could, she had even convinced Faye and Chloe to come and help.

Lia smiled at a passing couple that was holding hands, fighting back sadness at the sight. It would be nice if she and Ben were in a real relationship, and it was probably a good thing that he was keeping his distance because she was ready and willing to fall in love with the man if he let her, if she let herself.

She was so hung up on watching the couple that she didn't notice the man who approached her from the left. Huck did, and he gave a little growl as he picked up his head while looking at the man.

Lia turned at Huck's growl and saw him. He was tall and thin, reasonably handsome, well dressed, and not much older than Lia.

"You're Lia Haven, aren't you?" he asked, keeping a respectable distance so he wouldn't alarm her, or maybe because Huck made him nervous. Perhaps he had heard that he liked to pee on people.

"Yes, why?" She watched him closely as he took a step forward

"I'm Connor Butler, Illianna Emerson's brother." He waited for the name to register with her.

It immediately did, but she didn't let her surprise show, she had no clue why the man would want to approach her and surprised that he had the nerve. Lia remained silent, she didn't want to talk to him, so she wasn't going to encourage him.

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