Being A Minimalist

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What exactly is minimalism?
Minimalism is about decluttering your life from material things and unnecessary things that don't bring value.
• Minimalists believe the less is MORE physically and mentally. For example: a simpler home layout, activity list and minimal amount of friends and distractions. The goal is to keep it simple.
• These days we are so busy with so many activities and problems which makes us stressed all the time. This can block the flow of energy from our lives
• The point of minimalism is to focus only on things that matter physically and mentally which therefor adds more meaning and happiness in your life.

Steps to becoming a minimalist
• Look around your house. You don't have to ideally live how everyone else is living. Do you really need those seven drawers? Or those random meaningless decorations? If you're going hardcore might as well just have one mattress. Besides, it's cost effective.
• Go through all your things and decide if that thing brings you value, purpose or happiness. If it doesn't, get rid of those objects.
• If you want it to become your lifestyle, work on the small things. Have minimal things on your phones, a minimal multi purpose wardrobe or a small amount of jewelry.
• Find ways to adapt your wardrobe into something simple like a white shirt that goes with every outfit, color palettes that are easy to pair clothing with. In terms of minimalism think simple, black, white and beige.
• Meditate. Reflecting on life allows you to understand what truly brings you happiness. It's about realizing how material items shape your way of living.

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