🔪Midgardian Massacre🔪

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Author's Note- Uh this is very.. interesting...I guess

I'm back in Viking times. Hooray! *Insert sarcasm font here* I like the Vikings, but I wish I wasn't here. Especially not now.

I'm hiding with some crazy monks that don't speak my language. They're clutching their holy books and exclaiming in both confusion – at me being here – and horror because of the Vikings.

The sweet scent of burning hits my nostrils. I clutch at the rough fabric of the sacred table cloth in my hands. Oh God. I heard a loud crash and shouts of triumph and uproar. The pillagers are here. Oh. Oh God, oh God, oh God. They're here! There's nowhere to escape now. No way. I can see and hear the monks muttering frantic prayers, sweat glistening on their brows. The doors rattle and the pace of their muttering increase. The door crashes open- barely still hanging on its hinges. My legs scream,"Run!" But where to? As the Vikings jeered in their peculiar Nordic language, I prayed. Prayed that I would survive this. It was now a matter of life and death. One of the mighty berserker sneer some insults at me I was shaking with there's as a little lunatics sauntered towards me, swinging his weapon in hand kill or be killed. It was obvious which one would happen to me.

The End.

Author's Note- Yea... I blame the Pixar Movie BRAVE 

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