Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Y/n's pov

A few people rushed in but I kept my eyes on the twitching boy infront of me. His body convulsed and his back arched off the ground as his eyes rolled back leaking an alarming amount of blood. "Get E.J!" Someone yelled panicked.

"Ok." a female voice called back as their running footsteps could be heard sprinting out if the room.

A few moments later the sound of two pairs of running feet returned."What..?" E.J said groggily and slightly annoyed. I took my eyes off BEN to look at E.J. His demeanor changed completely. He ran over sitting down. " What happened?"

"I sp-spilt water on him." I said in a shaky voice. E.J nodded and slipped BEN's wet shirt off, throwing it at Jeff. "I need a towel." E.J stated looking at the small crowd that formed. "On it." Hoodie said as he looked though the lower kitchen cabinets pulling out a small dark gray towel, and tossed it to E.J. He caught it and pressed it to BEN's chest and face, drying it.

We all stood around the small teen as he lay, passed out. "What the fuck happened?" Clockwork asked pissed. "I. Uh.." I said softly feeling extremely guilty. "What?" She snapped "Got him back for not liking him." She said walking towards me with tears pricking her eyes.

"Back off Clockwork, you know that's not true." Hoodie said putting a hand on her chest.

"You must be real happy with yourself." She said ignoring him.

"Fuck you." I said lowly as stood up and walked past her, bumping her shoulder. "Y/n." Hoodie said putting a hand on my shoulder, stopping me. I shook it off and walked away no one made a move to stop me as I pushed the heavy wooden door open and walked out.

I walked for a while until I came to a small trail. I walked down it for a while until I saw a slightly rusted sign with scratched letters spelling 'Oak Hills' and an arrow pointing down the trail. I recognized the name, it was a town about an hour away from my home town. I shrugged and continued down the path. I thought about what I would do when I go back. Everyone there probably thinks I did it on purpose. Would anyone even want me to come back? I shook the thoughts off as houses came into view.

I walked down the near empty streets, it was about four'o clock and most people were in their houses at this point. My lighter was gripped in my hand getting lit and un-lit often, it helped calm my nerves a little but no where near enough to make me feel better. I walked to a house with the lights off and scaled the side, using the window sill the boost me onto the roof. A walked the the edge and looked to the house beside it taking the five foot jump. Making it i continued this pattern of jumping from roof to roof. After about twenty minutes I sat down panting slightly. I was on a fairly new house. It was big so I could see most of the neighborhood and some of the forest. I picked at the shingles on the roof as I watched the sun set. I thought about what i would do once I got back but that train of thought was put on pause as it began to get colder. I sat there for a while before I jumped down and continued my walk though the town. I kept my head down and hood up as I walked, looking at my feet. Not paying attention to the people who pass me. "Y/n?" Someone said gripping my wrist.

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