Wattpad Original


5.1K 135 65

Well, that's it folks! I'm very excited to have finally finished my first novel(la) on Wattpad, and actually the first longer fiction writing project that I've ever completed. I feel so full of gratitude for everyone who's given any of their time to this book, it really does mean the world to me.

Special thanks

elfordalley - For being the first person who made an effort to reply to me on Wattpad, put me in touch with lots of talented writers and generally made me realise that Wattpad is a worthwhile place to be.

Carolyn_Hill - for being my first Wattpad friend, for showing me how to be a good reader on here and for being endlessly supportive.

Leanniette - For being the most positive and kind person you can imagine, it really made all the difference.

eacomiskey - For being a wonderful writer and friend and for showing me the excellence that can be achieved on a platform like this.

Hafferby - For writing a really nice review of the book and for being a ballsy critic who doesn't pull any punches.

MiloMaia - For being younger and more talented than me and therefore keeping me motivated to improve my craft.

krazydiamond, LLMontez and tamoja - For being superstars of Wattpad with amazing work and huge success and still taking the time out to chat to me and read some of my work.

morningtides - For being a warm and kind person and being so positive about my work. Coming from someone as connected as you that means a lot!

LittleCinnamon - For being so nice to me when we were in the Cryptic contest together and just generally being a great person.

Nyhterides - For dedicating stories to me and being so supportive and awesome.

Sam_le_fou - For your weird and wonderful writing and your invitation to NBR, also for being a warm and welcoming Wattpadian.

Fairytale_Fabler - For all your insightful comments and your fierce and creative spirit.

tpinley - For your fantastic scifi and your friendly interactions on here.

Gazmsj - For being my best IRL friend reader and for being just a generally excellent human. Lots of love for you man.

mestrin - For being a great writer and a positive force on Wattpad.

OmaimaAkbar - For being a beautiful person and putting together fantastic anthologies.

IanRCooper - For being an inspirational horror writer and for leaving great comments on my Cryptic story.

dani - For being a super relatable and friendly writer who takes the time to interact even though you've got important Wattpad staff things to do.

ChristopherOpyr - For being one of the first people on Wattpad who showed me through their work that there are some quality writers on here.

And most importantly --

@08ball - For being hands down the best reader on Wattpad, an amazing person and just all around awesome. I'm so sorry I haven't returned the attention and read your stuff yet. I'm gonna get stuck into your new project when you post it!

TLBodine - For being a great Wattpad friend, a mentor and one of my all time favourite writers. I'm so glad I got to meet you on here :)

To anyone I missed please forgive me...

Thank you!!

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