Still Unbreakable Twinship?-32

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Justin's Pov

Joseph and I just left Physics, which is the only lesson where we are allowed to sit next to each other. I don't know why because Joseph and I are SUPER trustworthy! Urgh. I have computer science and it's on the other side of SCHOOL! Who decided that was a good idea? I don't mind the lesson, I mind the walking it takes to get from point A to Point B. I guess it's ok... Joseph is also on that side of the school. He has some... language. I don't know which one he does to MANY! I only do French and English because I HAD to. The school says: "You have to do one modern foreign language and English" I don't see why. Some people like SOMEONE not mentioning ANY name, Joseph, want to do every single language they can.

Ever since our conversation before Tea yesterday Joseph has been... off. Even his thought are all jumbled one minute there over here the next there in another continent in his mind. I've just completely tuned his thoughts out. His thoughts I used to understand, but now they give me a headache. We say minimal amounts of words and avoid talking altogether if it's possible. The biggest thing I used to like about Physics was sitting next to Joseph (who surprisingly didn't get that many people asking where he was yesterday) but now I dread it. He doesn't trust me. I know he doesn't otherwise he would tell me what was wrong and not purposefully jumble his thoughts. 

"Hey, so you wanna meet here after your lesson?" Joseph says not looking at me.

"Yeah, yeah sure," I say in response and we say nothing else to each other. I know I won't be there. I have the meeting with Sarah and Taliah. Meaning I have to go back to the side I just had Physics. It's like I'm a Yo-yo. Back and forth, back and forth. Luckily after break, I have Maths. Well, not lucky that it's maths. Lucky that I am on that side of school. I know I'm going to get yelled at by Joseph for not meeting him where he said we would. Actually, after what's been going on between us he might not mind.

I go off to computer science and as soon as the teacher let us go I dashed out of the room. Surprising the teacher because I'm normally the last one out and he literally has to push me, but this time I remembered I should be quick so I kept all the unnecessary stuff in my bag instead of taking them out, I never really know why but I feel like doing that so I do.

I slow my pace down as I reach the exit of the building to check if Joseph is there. HOW? What? Oh, God. How am I supposed to get past Joseph, who somehow is already there? I thought I was quick. I guess not...well would he notice me if I tried to blend in?

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