Chapter 25 |Past~Arina|

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Duke's place was situated in the center of the capital. It was huge place. The party was held in the garden inside the place. Guests were announced when they entered the garden. 

"Master Carlisle of Ivory Manor." The servant announced. Everyone in the scene stopped talking at once. Janus followed silently behind his master. The cage I was in was held by Janus, a cloth covered the cage. So I was not able to see my surrounding. But this heightened my hearing. 

"Did the Duke invite him?" one whispered. 

"I heard rumors that Duke was not satisfied with Master Ralph to begin with. Now that he made a mess of his work and bribed Sir Rossi to take hold of the salt market, Duke seems to lose all hope in him."

"True. Duke really didn't like Ralph. I always hear him scolding and insulting him. Maybe he offered him a role in the government purely because of his mother."

"Tsk... that woman."

Finally, Janus stopped walking. 

"Your Grace, Ivory Manor wishes you a happy birthday. May all the wishes you have be fulfilled." Janus then walked forward. "Ivory Manor prepared this. Hope this present is up to your Grace's standard." The cloth was then removed. 

I tilted my head and chirped. Spreading my wings once in the process. Even though based on what Carlisle said, it seemed like it'd be very easy. As if! Would Duke place a bird he didn't like in his own study?

"Hey, wimp. Do you think just by bringing a wild ugly bird, you can appease my father? My father likes pure breed birds. Birds of quality, not some random birds you picked up on the street." Ralph was about to bump his fist on Carlisle's chest when Master Carlisle stepped away elegantly with a gentle smile on his face. 

"Tsk." Ralph shifted his focus to the cage Janus was holding and started to drum his finger on the cage, in the hope to frighten me. I was already annoyed with the fact that I had to be locked inside the cage and now he had to do something like this. I wanted to peck him. 

"Be careful, Master Ralph." Carlisle still had a gentle smile on his face, acting like a perfect elder brother. Carlisle glanced at me, his eyes gleaming evilly. "That bird has a temper." 

With just this word, I pecked at the finger dangling in front of me. I slashed him with my clawed feet before he could pull back his finger. I quickly jumped to the small container with water to wash my mouth. 

"Master Ralph, are you alright?"

"Kill that stupid bird!" Ralph roared. 

"I warned you, Master Ralph." He took the cage from Janus' hand and cooed a few times pretending to calm the bird. "It's nobody's fault that your reflex is worse than a bird, is it?"

Someone took in a breath sharply. That's when I had the time to take in those sitting on the dais in front of me. A solemn yet regal man and a woman who had placed every jewelry she had on her head and neck. I felt heavy for her. 

The woman shrieked, "He insulted our son, your Grace!"

With my enhanced vision, I saw disgust flashing over his face for a second. That's weird. I assumed that woman was Lady Sabrina of Orion Manor. It was said that Duke betrayed Carlisle's mother, Lady Rosanne, for her. Then shouldn't he at least like Lady Sabrina? What's with the disgust? 

"So?" the Duke replied coldly. 

"He didn't greet me too!"

"Are you the Duchess?" the Duke snorted. 

By now Carlisle noticed the strangeness too. The Duke and Lady Sabrina were not speaking very loudly, so the remaining guests could not hear their exchange. But Carlisle was standing just a few steps from the dais, he could clearly hear that. Carlisle silently took in the situation in front of him. 

Lady Sabrina was about to say something when the Duke quickly left his seat and walked towards Carlisle. 

"Carlisle." He took the cage from Carlisle's hand and looked inside the cage. I quickly used all my might to attract his attention. Spreading my wings, chirping. If I had my human ears, they'd be bright red by now. But if he didn't place me in his study, I'd be doomed. The Duke looked gently at me, all the coldness from facing Lady Sabrina gone. He seemed to be smiling slightly too. I tried to suppress a shiver. Now that I observed closely, Carlisle looked quite similar to his father. 

"That's a very beautiful bird." He nodded approvingly. "Did... did your mother pick it?" His eyes looked really gentle and loving when he mentioned Carlisle's mother, totally different from when he treated Lady Sabrina. That's weird. 

But Carlisle did not catch that this time, his eyes burned with anger at the mention of his mother. He quickly disguised it. 

"My mother certainly loves bird." He neither denied it nor agreed with the Duke. 

Carlisle looked at the dais. That's when I saw Lady Sabrina's face was bright red with fury. Carlisle took in everything. 

"I am glad you like the present our Manor presented, Your Grace." He gave him another bow and returned to his seat. Before he was gone, I saw a flash of cold mocking smile on his face. 

The Duke ordered the servant standing next to him. "Take this bird to my study. Make sure that no one could get into the study." He then gave the lady sitting on the dais a meaningful glance. 

Part one of my mission accomplished. What's left was to extract the info Carlisle needed. 

When the servant was carrying me to the study, I passed by the ambassador from the grassland tribe. Why did Ralph, who was far across the garden, gave the ambassador a small nod? If it wasn't for my enhanced bird eyesight I might not catch that. Ralph was not associating himself with the tribe from grassland right? This is certainly something I had to report to Carlisle. 

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